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June 2, 1945

Letter from L. Beria to Cde. I.V. Stalin of the State Defense Committee and Cde. V.M. Molotov of the Council of People's Commissars

Beria describes a meeting between NKVD Lt. Col. Prokopyuk and Shakirjan at which Shakirjan suggested renewing active rebel operations, emphasizing that the lack of combat is beginning to demoralize the Muslim population.

April 22, 1945

Letter from Alihan Tore to Commander-in-Chief Marshal Stalin

Shakirjan praises Stalin and the Soviet Union, emphasizing that the Ili rebels' victory over the Chinese government is contingent on the continued receipt of Soviet aid.

April 29, 1945

Report from L. Beria and A. Vyshinsky to Cde. I.V. Stalin

Beria and Vyshinsky summarize the prevailing conditions in the Ili District of Xinjiang, describing the equipment and foodstuffs seized by the rebels, the extent of Chinese army losses, and the provisional government headed by Alihan Tore Shakirjan. Urging Stalin to support the Ili Muslims' liberation movement, they offer suggestions for future actions in support of the rebel army.

April 17, 1945

Special Report from General-Major Yegnarov to USSR People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs, General Commissar of State Security, Cde. L.P. Beria

General Yegnarov reports on the Ili rebel army's capture of 220 Chinese troops and their cache of weapons in Torgustay and a subsequent rebel seizure of Chinese weapons in Takiantsan.

October 29, 1955

Cable from the Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'On the Pros and Cons of Pakistan Establishing a Consulate in Xinjiang'

The Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office responds to the query about Pakistan opening a consulate in Xinjiang.

October 8, 1955

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office, 'Can Pakistan Establish a Consulate in Kashgar?'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry asks officials in Xinjiang whether Pakistan should be allowed to open a consulate in Xinjiang.

August 19, 1955

Letter from the Embassy of Pakistan to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (No. 2802-F-113/55)

The Embassy of Pakistan writes to the Chinese Foreign Ministry regarding the welfare of Pakistani nationals in Xinjiang.

June 25, 1955

Letter from the Embassy of Pakistan to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (No. 2095-F-129/55)

The Embassy of Pakistan writes to the Chinese Foreign Ministry regarding the welfare of Pakistani nationals in Xinjiang.

June 22, 1955

Letter from the Embassy of Pakistan to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (No. 2586-F-113/55)

The Embassy of Pakistan writes to the Chinese Foreign Ministry regarding the welfare of Pakistani nationals in Xinjiang.

June 24, 1955

Letter from the Embassy of Pakistan to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (No. 2131-F-113/55)

The Embassy of Pakistan writes to the Chinese Foreign Ministry regarding the welfare of Pakistani nationals in Xinjiang.
