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June 28, 1962

Cable from Foreign Ministry to Xinjiang Foreign Affairs Office

Chervonenko denies Soviet responsibility for illegal border crossings, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds by referring to a previous memorandum.

June 25, 1962

Reply to the Soviet Government Memorandum of 7 June and the Oral Supplementary Statement of 11 June (Draft)

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Soviet government that its accusations against China of illegal migration are groundless.

June 26, 1962

Transcript of a Meeting between Vice Minister Ji Pengfei and the Ambassador of the Soviet Union to China Stepan V. Chervonenko

Ji Pengfei and Stepan Chervonenko spar over the Soviet Union's handling of the peoples who crossed into the USSR from Xinjiang.

December 18, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, ‘Regarding the Matter of Sending Experts in Woodcarving and Ivory'

The Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee issues instructions on the Chinese experts about to be dispatched to Mali.

December 12, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, ‘Regarding the Issue of Sending Experts in Woodcarving and Ivory to Mali’

The Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee decides that Chinese experts in Mali must be both politically reliable and technically skilled.

December 8, 1964

Cable from the Head Office of the All China Handicraft Cooperative

The Malian Art Institute requests Chinese experts in jewelry making and wood and ivory carving

October 20, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding the Matter of Sending a Carving Expert'

Mali asks that Chinese jewelery and carving experts come to the Malian Art Institute.

October 8, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding the Matter of Sending Handicraft Teachers'

The Chinese Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee reports that Chinese experts in ivory and wood carving will "not be able to be sent" to Mali in 1964.

May 14, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘The Matter of Sending Experts'

The Chinese Embassy in Mali reports on a request for wood carving and ivory experts to come to Mali and assist with local production.

February 18, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘The Two Notes Given to China by Mali'

Mali requests that China dispatch experts in wood carving, ivory carving, and jewelry making.
