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November 9, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly, New York, New York, 7:30 p.m., Friday

Mello-Franco discusses a conversation he had with Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov. According to Kuznetsov, the American insistence on the question of inspection is becoming moot [ociosa] since the United States has declared satisfaction with the removal of offensive material existing in Cuba, it is only a pretext to postpone indefinitely the commitment of non-invasion and suspension of the economic blockade against Cuba.

November 6, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 10:30 a.m., Tuesday

Pinto calls to attention the rude and violent tone of the proclamations of support to Cuba on the part of China contrasting with the relative moderation of the USSR and of its satellites. Pinto believes Mao is "taking a shot" at Khrushchev.

November 5, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 5:30 p.m., Monday

Pinto relays the message that Mikoyan intends to remain in Cuba at least one week, permiting a complete review of relations between Cuba and Russia, in face of the last events.

November 5, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow (da Cunha), 4:15 p.m., Monday

Brazil's embassy in Moscow discusses visits by Novotny, Ulbricht and Gomulka to Moscow and says that there is the impression that the recent international events have created a state of disorientation in the community of socialist countries and that the great challenge of Khrushchev will be to accommodate this state of affairs in the short term.

October 29, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 1:30 p.m., Monday

Secretary of State Dean Rusk tells Brazilian officials about letters that have been sent between Kennedy and Khrushchev discussing missile bases in both Cuba and Turkey.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Havana (Bastian Pinto), 6:45 p.m., Sunday

Pinto describes a meeting with Roa in which Roa repeats a message from Fidel Castro's proclamation that the evacuation of the American base Guantanamo should be directed at not only the United States, but also the Soviet Union, to show both that Cuba is not a toy of the great powers and should be heard in the coming negotiations.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 2 p.m., Sunday

Campos discusses agreements that are being made between Kennedy and Khrushchev regarding the immediate dismantling of the missile bases in Cuba, international inspections of Cuba, and an abandonment of the demand for reciprocity in Turkey.

October 28, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 2 p.m., Sunday

Campos discusses the brief alleviation in tensions between the United States and Soviet Union over the Cuban issue due to a temporary accord for a limited-diversion of the Soviet ships.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 1 p.m., Tuesday

Suggestion for a decision to internationalize the Cuban crisis would permit Cuba and the Soviet Union to "save face", diminishing the dangerous possibility of direct confrontation.

December 14, 1962

Mongolian Embassy in Moscow, Record of Conversation between the Mongolian Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Trade Alberto Mora Becerra

Mongolian Ambassador in Moscow Luvsan and the visiting Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade Alberto Mora make plans for future trade negotiations between Mongolia and Cuba. They also discuss the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the effect of the US embargo on Cuba's trade relations with Latin American countries and the sale of its sugar harvest.
