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May 30, 1967

Minutes of Conversation between Yugoslav President Josip Borz Tito and UAR Ambassador Mohamed Handy Abuzeid, in Varga

Minutes of conversation between Tito and UAR ambassador Mohamed Handy Abuzeid, discussing the situation in the Middle East. The ambassador states the UAR's goal is peace thought a diplomatic solution at the UN. They also discuss Yugoslavia's problems with Greece and how the Yugoslavs might improve relations with Albania. Yugoslavia and the UAR express their hope to improve economic ties and maintain their good relations.

December 2, 1961

Telegram from Behar Shtylla to Ung Van Khiem

This document is a telegram from Albanian Foreign Affairs Minister Behar Shtylla to the Foreign Affairs Minister of North Vietnam, Ung Van Khiem. Shtylla shares the same indignation as the Vietnamese minister towards the dangerous situation arising in Vietnam. According to Shtylla, Kennedy is trying to transform South Vietnam into a base of operations for aggression directed against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Taking into account other actions towards Laos and Cambodia, he believes Kennedy is attempting to convert Indochina into an American base. Shtylla states that the American policy in Vietnam violates the general international conventions of conduct, as well as the Vietnamese people’s sovereignty. Shtylla expresses full solidarity with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and supports its request that the chairmen of the Geneva Conference take measures against the American inference in South Vietnam.

April 20, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, Comrade Abdyl Kellezi with Comrade Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai expressed China's opinions on the result of the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Pact, China's support of the principles of Marxism-Leninism in several Soviet-Albanian conflicts. They also discussed issues of economic and military assistance.

July 21, 1961

Information Memorandum, Meeting between Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile and Comrade Dong Biwu

Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile and Dong Biwu, a member of the CCP CC Politburo, talked about the economic condition in Albania, the issue of the removal of the Soviet military naval base from Vlora, and the concept of peaceful coexistence in Marxist-Leninism.

April 3, 1963

Memorandum of Conversation between Yuri Andropov and the Central Committee of the Romanian Worker’s Party

Soviet politburo member Yuri Andropov and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej discuss issues concerning the cooperation between the CPSU and the Romanian Worker's party and the two governments. The discussion ranges between economic integration issues, to the Sino-Soviet split, Soviet-Albanian relations, and politico-military cooperation between Warsaw Pact states.

January 18, 1965

Memorandum of Discussions between Romanian Worker’s Party leadership and Polish United Worker’s Party leadership

The talks focus on several issues: namely the Multinational Nuclear Forces, Warsaw Pact relations with Albania, and the People's Republic of China. Gomulka and Dej also discuss the idea of convening a conference of Communist and Worker’s parties.

June 1974

Note from the Eighth Meeting of the Deputy Heads of the CC International Departments of Eight Parties in Ulaanbaatar devoted to the Struggle with Maoism

Rakhmanin reports on the state of China in relation to various countries such as the U.S. and Japan (with whom he worries a "triangle" of power is forming), Romania, Korea and Albania.

January 18, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation with Comrade Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai and the Albanian Ambassador discuss military and economic cooperation between Albania and China.

August 10, 1964

Meeting between the North Vietnamese ambassador with the 1st vice-minister of foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of Albania Vasil Nathanaili

This document outlines the meeting between the North Vietnamese ambassador with the 1st vice-minister of foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of Albania, Vasil Nathanaili. The ambassador thanks the Albanian government for the August 7 declaration in support of North Vietnamese sovereignty and independence. He informs the Albanian official about the growing pressure of the American government on the United Nations to become more involved in the conflict in Vietnam and to spread the blame for violating the Geneva Convention of 1954 on Indochina to North Vietnam. It is stated that the Soviet representative in the UN proposed to invite a North Vietnamese delegation to discuss the situation in Vietnam without previously informing the North Vietnamese government about the issue, prompting an official complaint to the Soviet embassy in Hanoi. Furthermore, the American representatives in the UN invited a South Vietnamese delegation in order to discuss the same issue. The document also mentions the reaction of the North Vietnamese government after the supposed violation of the Geneva Convention and specific steps to condemn the Americans publicly.

May 16, 1962

Speech of N. S. Khrushchev at a friendly dinner in Yevksinograd (Varna), 16 May 1962

Speaking in Bulgaria, Khrushchev discusses the cult of personality of Stalin and the great purges that occurred under Stalin's leadership. He contrasts Lenin and Stalin and the role of the communist party under each. He addresses the history and current situation of the Communist Party of Albania and the Soviet split with Albania and Yugoslavia.
