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January 16, 1972

Note from the Visit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Delegation in the USSR

These notes highlight some foreign relation issues facing Poland, China, and the Soviet Union. Current opinions and practices are mentioned, as well as previous actions.

January 22, 1972

Secret Telegram from Moscow to Warsaw, No. 848

This document from the Soviets to Polish Comrades issues a warning about Zhou Enlai's anti-Sovietism and his advance in the Chinese government. It also addresses border issues between China and the Soviet Union.

November 30, 1987

Information on the 20th Session of the Committee of the Ministers of Defense of Warsaw Pact Member States

Report on the course and results of the 20th Session of the Committee of Ministers of Defense of Warsaw Pact Member States held in Bucharest on November 24-25, 1987.

July 18, 1947

Chart of Distribution of Persons Resettled in Akcja Wisla [Vistula Operation] from the Beginning to 18 July 1947 to Olsztyn Voivodeship

Information is given on the resettlement of Ukrainians and Lemkos from along the southern and eastern borders of Poland to Olsztyn voivodeship.


Letter from General Zygmunt Berling to General Julian Skokowski

General Berling instructs General Skokowski on what actions to take if the Warsaw Uprising fails. His forces are to withdraw to the Kampinowska Forest or meet Gen. Berling's forces to the east of Zoliborz.

November 26, 1956

Memorandum from the Minister of Foreign Affairs [Adam Rapacki] to Minister of National Defense Marian Spychalski

The Minister of Foreign Affairs requests the Ministry of National Defense's consideration of the Treaty on the Status of Soviet Forces Stationed in Poland prior to negotiations in Moscow.

June 2007

Once More about Radio Liberty. Folder 66. The Chekist Anthology.

Contains information on KGB active measures to undermine the activities and credibility of Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, and Voice of America during the mid 1970’s and early 1980’s. In one operation, personally authorized by KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov, the Spanish journal “Arriba” and 42 other Spanish journals published articles stating that Radio Liberty broadcasts into the USSR violated the Helsinki Accords because they impinged upon Soviet sovereignty, and were contrary to Spanish national interests. Following this activity, the Spanish leadership decided not to extend its agreement with the US which allowed Radio Liberty to broadcast from Spain. During a 1976 operation, an East German agent who worked as an international lawyer spread disinformation about Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty’s ‘illegal’ activities in 35 foreign embassies in Vienna. In October 1977, the KGB sent letters to a variety of Western news outlets, including the Washington Post, claiming to be from a group of Radio Free Europe employees. These letters were directed specifically at US Senators Edward Kennedy, Charles Percy, and Frank Church, and Representatives Edward Derwinsky, Clement Zablocky, Herman Badillo, and Berkley Bedell. In 1981, with the help of the journal “Pravda,” the KGB exposed the role of Radio Liberty in the ‘events’ in Poland.

December 13, 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract), "On Information about the Polish question for the leaders of the fraternal countries"

Soviet ambassadors are informed that martial law has been declared in Poland.

December 10, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo

The Soviet Politburo discusses the Polish Solidarity movement and the possibility of imposing martial law in Poland to restore order and the communist party's authority.

November 21, 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract) and Text of Oral Message from Brezhnev to Jaruzelski
