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July 12, 1951

VKP(b) CC Decree Draft, Soviet-Iranian Negotiations

Draft attached to telegram, explaining that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Relations (MFA) and Ministry of Foreign Trade (MVT) disagree with the idea of suspending negotiations with Iranians. Specifically, this is because they believe the recess will be used against them by the British and Americans in Iran.

May 19, 1982

Memorandum of Conversations between SED General Secretary Erich Honecker and Afghan Leader Babrak Karmal

Karmal describes threats against the Soviet-backed Afghan government from Pakistan, Iran, the US, China, and Egypt.


Iraqi Report on Iranian Efforts to Obtain Nuclear Weapons

Iraqi report that Iran is developing closer relations with the former Soviet republic of Central Asia as part of it's effort to develop nuclear weapons.

October 1, 1981

Saddam and Senior Iraqi Officials Discussing the Conflict with Iran, Iraqi Targets and Plans, a Recent Attack on the Osirak Reactor, and Various Foreign Countries

Meeting of top Iraqi officials to discuss the ongoing war with Iran and Israeli air strikes.

February 11, 1945

Yalta Conference Agreement, Declaration of a Liberated Europe

The text of the agreements reached at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin.

May 10, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Comments on the Asian-African Conference from the Participating Countries After the Conference'

Description of the reaction to the Asian-African Conference in both participating countries and capitalist ruled countries.

April 9, 1981

Special Assistant for NPI, NFAC, CIA, to Resource Management Staff, Office of Program Assessment et al, 'Request for Review of Draft Paper on the Security Dimension of Non-Proliferation'

Just a few months into President Reagan’s first term his administration wanted to make its own mark on nonproliferation policy. The report suggests building “broader bilateral relationship[s]” and offering political and security incentives could persuade states considering developing nuclear weapons to cease these efforts.

April 2004

KGB Active Measures in Southwest Asia in 1980-82

Materials provided by former KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin to CWIHP, following the publication of the Working Paper No. 40, "The KGB in Afghanistan." As with all Mitrokhin’s notes, his compilation on Soviet “active measures” in South and Southwest Asia is based on other smuggled-out notes and was prepared especially for CWIHP. Please read the Notes on Sources for information on the nature and limitations of these documents.


Saddam Hussein and His Inner Circle Discussing the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and the United States

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam Hussein and high ranking Iraqi officials regarding the Iran-Iraq war. They discuss the cease-fire negotiations, the UN Security Council, military and diplomatic issues, and Soviet and US Policy in the region.

November 15, 1986

Saddam Hussein and His Advisers Discussing Reagan's Speech to the Nation on "Irangate" (Iran-Contra) Revelations (Part 2)

This file contains a transcript of a meeting led by Saddam Hussein on Ronald Reagan's speech regarding US arms sales to Iran. The participants discuss the arms sales and their rationale, the Iran-Iraq War, the Israeli role in US policy, the Iranian intelligence services, and the state of Iraq's relations with other Arab countries.
