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July 14, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing a visit by the Armenian Patriarchate, Armenian leftist parties in Syria and Lebanon, Jewish involvement in Communist activities in Beirut.


The Lebanese Communist Party and the License

Document on Kamāl Junblāṭ [Kamal Jumblat] granting the Communists permission to operate publicly.

July 12, 1949

French Activities in Lebanon

Report regarding the continuation of French activities in Lebanon, the Conte de Shayla, the Maronite Patriarch's visit to Beirut and instructions given to French agents in Tripoli and the Beqa'a region.


Information about the Liberation Party

An informant provides information about the Islamic Liberation Party's attempt to spread to Lebanon.


Information about the Liberation Party

Short report on the Islamic Liberation Party's plan to begin operating in Lebanon.

June 25, 1949

Jewish Activities

Report on a Jewish agent from Syria working for Israel.

October 11, 1957

A Communist Informer

A report on the Lebanese communist party with information on communist meetings, the newspaper, and party elections.

July 13, 1952

Communist Activities

Report on communist activities, including efforts to recruit Palestinian refugees, their efforts to include women in the movement, and Antūn Ṭābit's trip to Berlin.

July 11, 1949

Emile Edde's Meetings

A list of Emile Edde's meetings on the 9th of July, 1949.

July 11, 1949

‘Umar al-Fakhūrī's [Omar al Fakhoury] Seminar

A report on a meeting between Ra'īf Khūrī and a member of the Russian legation regarding finding a place to hold 'Umar al-Fakhūrī's seminar.
