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October 8, 1955

Untitled report on Soviet activities in Syria

Soviet aid to Damascus will surpass a recent arms deal and will include armed volunteer soldiers.


Untitled report on relations between Syria and Egypt

An attempted coup in Egypt casts doubt over the stability of the Syrian government, and Al-Shabeshkeli and Muhammed Najeeb discuss prospects for the future of Syrian-Egyptian cooperation and British-Egyptian engagement.

September 1950

Communist Activity

Communist parties liquidate several leaders in Syria and Lebanon, students from Lebanon contact the Security Council to call for intervention, and Lebanese and Syrian leaders follow suit.


Networks Acting for the Russians

The locations of Russian centers and agents conducting popular activities and their strategies for propaganda. The iems the Russian Commission is tracking are also broached, including military munition in Beirut and the Syrian Republic.

March 30, 1951

Communist Activity in Aleppo and Northern Syria

Communist organizations work to form "Peace Supporters" groups and conduct propaganda campaigns against American involvement in the region.


Untitled report on the objectives of the Communist Party

Account of the major and tactical goals of the Communist Party, as well as a calendar of protests and recent modifications in strategy and objectives.


Prince Saud’s Visit to Lebanon, Syria and Arab Countries

Description of Prince Saud's priorities in visiting Lebanon and Syria: primarily, hearing about President Sham'oon's visit to Baghdad and garnering confidence for the image of Crown Prince Saud to prevent internal strife.

August 15, 1949

Untitled report on Communist activities in Syria and Lebanon

Communists plot against Syria and Lebanon, including a publication exposing Syria's tyranny.

August 9, 1949

Untitled report on the Vatican and the Communist Parties of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq

Communists in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq condemn the Vatican.

August 8, 1949

Untitled report on a meeting of Communist parties

A meeting of Communist Parties endorses future activities and plans to counter Turkish, Syrian, and other regional anti-communist plans.
