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Kurdish Activities in al Jazeera

Description of Kurdish armament against Turkey in pursuit of a Kurdish Republic and communication with the Soviet Union.

September 1, 1957

Repercussions from America's Position regarding Syria and the Arab countries

America sends warships into Syrian territorial waters, and regional powers calibrate their postures.

June 30, 1954

Plans to Implement the Trade Agreement between Lebanon and Syria

Report on the implementation of a Syrian-Lebanese trade agreement, including coordinating Russian trade and agricultural products.

June 9, 1954

Confirmed Information regarding the Position of the Syrian Army and the Latest Serious Situation in Syria

Update on the status of the Syrian Army, including jeopardization by government feuds, possible Army intervention, and a report from Aleppo's Chief of Police.


Untitled report about meetings between Syrian officials and the Lebanese opposition

Lebanese opposition and Syrian officials meet in Damascus to plan the removal of the Lebanese government from power.


Syria’s Position vis-à-vis Lebanon

The Syrian government and leftist leaders disapprove of the Lebanese government, Lebanese opposition leaders prepare a campaign against the government, and other Arab countries configure their policies toward Syria.


The Issue of Syria and Its Union with Iraq

Syria and Iraq reach an agreement, and elections loom in one week related to the establishment of a new Party. Chehab lists the objectives behind this Party.


The Situation in Syria: Echoes of King Saud's Visit and its Reasons

King Saud's visit to Syria sparks conversations among Syrian politicians regarding American involvement and the Fertile Crescent Project.

May 30, 1957

Untitled report on developments in Syria

The Soviets begin to build radar bases and fix anti-aircraft artillery in Syria, and the Syrian and Russian governments reach an military aid agreement.

November 26, 1956

Untitled report about the Baath Party

The Baath Party gains strength in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon in its objective to fight colonialism, preserve the current Syrian regime, oppose the Baghdad Pact, and achieve other goals.
