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June 20, 1967

Attachment, Draft Resolution of the 37th Session of the CC of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'The Near East Situation and Our Further Approach'

Czechoslovakia offers assistance to the United Arab Republic and the Syrian Arab Republic following their defeat in the Six-Day War with Israel.

June 17, 1967

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'The Near East Situation and Our Further Procedure"

Cover page to a long report on the outcome of the Six-Day War and Czechoslovakian relations with the United Arab Republic.

February 15, 1972

Report from Etre Sándor, 'Foreign visits of the DPRK’s governmental delegations. Visit of Comrade Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary'

A report by Etre Sandor providing details about five North Korean governmental delegations to Africa and Middle East and the visit of Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary.

July 18, 1967

János Kádár’s speech at a HSWP Political Committee meeting on military support for 'friendly' Arab countries in 1967

In this speech, János Kádár supports giving aid to "friendly" Middle East Countries, however he requests that more information be obtained from the recipient countries and that the aid be divided into "prompt assistance" and "long-term assistance."

July 11, 1967

Report of the Inter-ministerial Expert Committee for the HSWP PC on military support for 'friendly' Arab countries in 1967

This document lists the requests for aid and armaments to Hungary by the United Arab Republic, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, and the amounts and types of aid and armaments that Hungary and the rest of the Eastern Bloc propose to give.

January 31, 1958

Report of the Hungarian Ambassador in Cairo on the establishment of the United Arab Republic and the Syrian public opinion in 1958 (exceprts)

This report by the Hungarian ambassador in Cairo states that the Syrian people are wary toward President Nasser’s creation of the United Arab Republic, fearing he will enforce a dictatorship, however the Syrian communist party is in full support of the union.

March 16, 1965

Vice Premier Lu Dingyi Receives Five Members of a Friendship Delegation from the Syrian Arab Republic including Culture and National Guidance Minister Sulaiman al-Keiche

December 29, 1961

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, 'Request to Send Culture and Friendship Delegation to Visit Africa'

The PRC Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee proposes to send a propaganda team to Guinea, Mali, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Tunisia, Syria, and Iraq.

September 10, 1957

Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party Meeting in Damascus

Summary of a significant meeting of the Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party of Syria, attended by Syrian Foreign Minister Salah al-Bitar.

November 17, 1957

Untitled report on Soviet Activities in Syria
