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June 22, 1965

Minutes of the First Meeting between Premier Zhou Enlai and President Nasser

Zhou Enlai and Gamal Abdel Nasser discuss developments in Algeria and the fate of the Second Asian-African Conference.

June 25, 1965

Summary of Premier Zhou’s Conversation with President Nasser

Nasser and Zhou discuss the different reactions across Asia and Africa to the proposed postponement of the Second Asian-African Conference. Nasser also queries Zhou about developments in Vietnam.

June 21, 1965

Minutes of the Third Meeting between Premier Zhou Enlai and President Nasser

Zhou Enlai, Gabal Abdel nasser, and Abdel Hakim Amer discuss the coup against Ben Bella, the new leadership in Algeria, and the Second Asian-African Conference.

June 21, 1965

Minutes of the Second Meeting between Premier Zhou Enlai and President Nasser

Zhou and Nasser discuss developments in Algeria, the Second Asian-African Conference, oil in the Middle East, US foreign policy, and the economic situation in Egypt.

July 13, 1965

Summary of Premier Zhou’s Conversation with President Nasser

Nasser and Zhou react to Abdelaziz Bouteflika's proposal to postpone the Second Asian-African Conference.

July 14, 1965

Summary of Premier Zhou's Conversation with President Nasser

Zhou Enlai and Nasser discuss a delay in a planned foreign ministers meeting for the Second Asian-African Conference.

October 20, 1965

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai's Reception of Zakaria El-Adly Imam, Ambassador of the United Arab Republic (UAR) to China

Zakaria El-Adly Imam believes that there are too many divisions in the Afro-Asian world at present to continue with plans to host the Second Asian-African Conference.

April 2, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Pakistan's Foreign Minister Bhutto

Zhou and Bhutto discuss the Second Asian-African Conference, as well as the potential for a rapprochement between China and the Philippines.

April 20, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Premier Zhou and Bhutto

Bhutto shares with Zhou the results of Ayub Khan's visit to the Soviet Union. He also discusses the problems that the Sino-Soviet split has created for Pakistan, Soviet military aid to India, and the Vietnam War.

June 28, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization Ahmad Shukeiri

Zhou and Shukeiri discuss Chinese aid to the PLO and the situation of Palestinian refugees.
