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December 9, 1979

Meeting with a Baath Party Member on Conflicts Between Iraqi Communists and Baathists in East Germany and Bulgaria

Summary of a meeting with an informant from the Arab Socialist Baath Party (ASBP) about conflicts between Iraqi communists and Baath party members in East Germany and Bulgaria. The Baathists feel Bulgarian authorities are siding unfairly with the Iraq Communist Party and are planning sanctions in response.

September 19, 1979

Letter Reporting Iraqi Laws Punishing Contact with Foreign Intelligence Services

Unofficial Collaborator “Klaus” reports on Iraqi laws punishing treason and espionage, including Iraqis living abroad who are in contact with a foreign intelligence service, and foreigners in Iraq who maintain contacts to a foreign power. A second law covers members of the army or police who had contacts with hostile intelligence services or contact with any party or political group than the Baath Party.

August 24, 1979

Report on Conflicts Between Baathists and Communist Iraqis in East Germany

Since contacting the GDR in the late sixties and beginning to work with them, changes have occurred within Iraq. Communists, who were originally relatively free to their beliefs at the start of the new regime, are facing persecution in the face of the Baathist leadership. Also, this communist-Baathist conflict has began to spread to Iraqis in East Germany.

October 8, 1969

Proposal for the Reception of the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Iraq by Comrade Colonel General Mielke

Report on a meeting with Iraqi Minister of the Interior Saleh Mahdi el Ammash. Ammash requested assistance for the Iraqi intelligence agency, including training of Iraqi officers in Germany, surveillance technology, and instructional material. Colonel General Mielke provides options for a reserved response. Also included in an appendix is a biography of General Ammash and information about Iraq's current domestic policy.

September 18, 1969

Report about a Meeting with the General Director of the Iraqi Directorate for Security, Lieutenant General al-Ani

Iraq's General Director of Security al-Ani seeks a solution to deal with the United States, West Germany, Israel, and other imperialist and reactionary states have launched active diversionary activities against the new Iraqi regime. The solution that he reaches is to contact the socialist countries for help, beginning with East Germany. Al-Ani meets with the East Germans and they are not opposed to cooperation between the two states.

October 1976

Report on a Stay of a GDR Military Delegation in the DPRK in October 1976

Kim Il Sung and Heinz Hoffmann discuss the "axe murder" incident of 18 August, which Kim Il Sung interprets as a deliberate provocation by the Americans .

August 31, 1976

Report on the ‘Axe Murder Incident’ from the GDR Embassy in North Korea

Report on the killing of two American officers in the Joint Security Area. Ambassador Steinhofer states that this incident is a testimony of the tense situation that exists between the two sides and he provides an analysis of what the implications of this incident are.

May 27, 1976

Report from the GDR Embassy in the DPRK, “Note concerning a Conversation in Moscow on 12 May, 1976, with the Head of the Far East Department, Comrade Kapitsa, and the Head of the Southeast Asia Department, Comrade Sudarikov”

Summary of a discussion addressing the personality cult in the DPRK, its economy and its foreign relations, particularly with other socialist countries.

May 13, 1976

Report from the GDR Embassy in the USSR, “Note about a Conversation between Comrade Bauer and Comrade Basmanov, Deputy Head of the 1st Far Eastern Department of the USSR Foreign Ministry, on 10 May, 1976.”

Summary of a conversation between Comrade Bauer and Comrade Basmanov addressing the personality cult in the DPRK, the socialist development in the DPRK, the DPRK’s economy, the relationship between the Soviet Union and the DPRK. Basmanov, furthermore, compared the DPRK’s relationship with the Soviet Union to its relationship with the PRC.

May 6, 1976

Report from the GDR Embassy in the DPRK, 'Note about a Conversation with the Soviet Ambassador, Comrade Kryulin, on 5 May 1976 in his Residence'

A report from Ambassador Everhartz on the discussion with the Ambassador of the Soviet Union about the relationship between the DPRK and China and about the DPRK’s political situation. He concludes that the DPRK has moved away from the Soviet camp without getting closer to the Chinese.
