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February 24, 1971

East German Report on the Fourth Interkit Meeting in Sofia, February 1971

Report from the East German representatives on the Interkit meeting held in Sofia in February 1971. Reports on recent changes in Chinese foreign policy and international political strategies.

May 1973

East German Report on the Sixth Interkit Meeting in Moscow, May 1973

Report on the sixth meeting of Interkit, held in Moscow in May 1973. Summarizes the group's analysis of the current domestic situation in China and its foreign policy, as well as making predictions about potential developments in China in the near future.

February 5, 1976

Notes about the Meeting in the Central Committee of the CPSU on 2 February 1976

An overview of a conversation in which the East Germans and Soviets compared impressions of the situation in the PRC and China's attitude toward other socialist countries.

December 12, 1978

East German Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro after Tenth Interkit Meeting in Havana, December 1978

Short summary of an East German meeting with Fidel Castro. Castro discusses China and the recent Interkit meeting, as well as the issue of Cuban exiles in the United States.

June 1980

East German Report on the Eleventh Interkit Meeting in Poland, June 1980

Report from the East German representatives on the 11th Interkit meeting held in Poland. This was the first meeting attended by the Vietnamese.

July 29, 1968

A Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the Embassy of the USSR in the DPRK, Comrade Zvetkov, and Comrade Jarck.

With the lack of coal, coke, water, steel, and iron Kim Il Sung expresses the domestic problems in the DPRK to Comrade Novikov. He thanks the USSR for their aid and stresses the importance of the organization of Communist countries especially after the Pueblo incident.

December 8, 1967

Letter from Ambassador Brie of the GDR in the DPRK to Deputy MFA Hegen

East German Ambassador to North Korea Horst Brie reports on the growing number of incidents at the Demilitarized Zone between North Korean forces and South Korean and U.S. forces. Brie offers his own analysis of the military situation in Korea while highlighting the different views of officials from Czechoslovakia and Poland.

January 5, 1968

Memorandum on Two Informational Reports from the GDR Embassy in the DPRK, Pyongyang

Ambassador Herrmann explains that the population in Pyongyang is being reduced while other restrictions are being placed upon the North Korean population owing to the tense military situation on the Korean Peninsula.

November 2, 1960

An Assessment by the GDR Foreign Ministry of the Report from the GDR Embassy in Pyongyang regarding the Economic Situation of the DPRK for the 1st Semester of 1960

The GDR Foreign Ministry assess the economic failures of the DPRK, attributing the work of the (Korean Worker's) Party, including the partition of the 7-year plan and other problems in agriculture and industries, as the major cause.

December 13, 1960

Excerpts from 'Nodong Sinmun,' 13 December 1960

The report of General Ra Se-kjon describes the visit of the PRC Military Delegation to a number of factories, communes and memorials in the DPRK in October-November 1960. General Ra Se-kjon describes the success of the Korean economy: the success of post-War reconstruction; the 5-year plan; the increased productivity of certain factories; the collectivization, irrigation, and electrification of the countryside; as well as education and the eradication of illiteracy.
