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December 27, 1979

Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union Announcement, Attachment to CPSU Politburo Protocol #177

The USSR and Afghanistan formed a permanent relationship to combat counter-revolutionaries who attempt to undo the April Revolution. This relationship began with the Treaty of Friendship in 1978.

October 5, 1962

Handwritten Note for the Record by Colonel General S.P. Ivanov

Ivanov takes notes on a conversation with Khrushchev regarding the progress of weapons en route to Cuba.

December 27, 1979

Letter from Leonid Brezhnev to Karmal Babrak, Attachment to CPSU Politburo Protocol #177

A congratulatory note from L. Brezhnev to Karmal Babrak,Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, General Secretary of the PDPA CC, and Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, thanking Babrak for his efforts to defend the gains made in the April Revolution.

October 24, 1962

Letter from Khrushchev to John F. Kennedy

Khrushchev expresses outrage at Kennedy’s establishment of quarantine in Cuba.

December 27, 1979

Declaration of the CC CPSU to the Party Leadership concerning the Situation in Afghanistan, Attachment to CPSU Politburo Protocol #177

The CC CPSU states that the removal of N. M Taraki, and the rise of H. Amin to political leadership in Afghanistan bolstered counterrevolutionaries. The CC CPSU approved a small military force to stabilize the country, supporting the regional and international interests of Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. The message is sent to the Members and Candidate Members of the CC CPSU, the Members of the CPSU Central Auditing Commission, the CC of the Communist Parties Of Union Republics, Kray Committees, and Oblast Committees of the Party, The Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU, and the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Soviet Navy.

January 4, 1980

Note from the Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan on Radio Broadcasting Station

The USSR ambassador to the DRA confirms the decision to build a radio broadcasting station.

November 1, 1980

CC CPSU Granting Technical Assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the Construction of a 1000 kWt Medium-Wave Radio Broadcasting Station [Final version]

A CC CPSU decree granting technical assistence to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in order to build a radio wave boradcasting station.

August 28, 1980

Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980

Memorandum to the CPSU Politburo from the Suslov Commission regarding a request by the Soviet Ministry of Defense to bring up to full readiness 3 divisions of the Soviet Armed Forces. The memorandum cautions the Soviet leadership that, in case the Polish Armed Forces switch allegiance to the counter-revolutionary forces, another 5-7 divisions might be necessary.

January 18, 1949

The Official Statement on the Soviet Government’s Answer to the Note by the Nanjing Government (Izyestia)

The Soviet government rejects the proposal from the Chinese Nationalist Government in Nanjing for the Soviet Union to act as mediator in peace negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party.

December 16, 1949

Record of Conversation between I.V. Stalin and Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong on 16 December 1949

First meeting between Mao and Stalin. The two discuss war and peace, as well as the question of the new treaty between China and the USSR. Stalin voices himself against signing a new treaty, citing the Yalta agreement. Mao promises to reconsider his position. Mao says he is in favor of keeping Soviet troops in Port Arthur. Stalin promises not to "run away" from China. Mao requests a credit of 300 million dollars, as well as the Soviet aid in liberating Taiwan. Stalin warns Mao not to give the Americans a pretext to intervene in China. Mao says that several countries are interested in establishing diplomatic relations with China but that China should wait before doing so. Stalin agrees with this strategy.
