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September 30, 1950

Cable No. 600308, Shtykov to Stalin, transmitting Letter from Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-Yeong

Telegram from Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong telling Stalin of the losses they have incurred following American air and ground attacks in South Korea and of their general lack of supplies and trained personnel.

September 28, 1950

Outgoing Cable No. 18249, Gromyko to Vyshinsky

Gromyko asks Vyshinsky to get Tsarapkin to inform American intermediary Lancaster that Malik has agreed to the meeting. Malik must hear out the Americans and if it seems that they're willing to work towards a peaceful resolution, tell Lancaster that any questions that the Americans had during this discussion will be answered in the next meeting.

September 28, 1950

Telegram, Gromyko to Cde. I.V. Stalin, Transmitting Letter from Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung expresses his gratitude. In his telegram Gromyko informs Stalin of other letters from Kim Il Sung concerning the training of 120 Korean pilots in the Soviet Union, the supply of cars to the DPRK, the four advisors to North Korea's Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the wages of the air force cadets of the People's Army who are training in the Soviet Union.

September 27, 1950

Incoming Cable No. 28116, Vyshinsky to Gromyko

On the meeting that took place between Tsarapkin and an American intermediary named Lancaster. They talked about the Korean issue.

September 23, 1950

CPSU Politburo Decision to Adopt the Attached Draft Response

Telegram telling Vyshinsky to inform Lancaster that Malik consented to a meeting with the assistant Ahesona or one of the American ambassadors, as suggested by Lancaster. Malik should listen to the State Department official and if it's evident that the Americans are taking a step forward towards a peaceful settlement of the Korean question, tell him that Malik should ponder the issues mentioned in the conversation.

September 2, 1950

Incoming Cable No. 600081, Shtykov to Vyshinky

Shtykov passes on a memorandum to Vyshinsky written by Syngman Rhee to Dr. Robert T. Oliver.

September 2, 1950

CPSU Politburo Decision on the Secret Archives of the Syngman Rhee Government

Decision to entrust Vyshinsky to print in the Soviet press the documents found in the archives of the Syngman Rhee government, seized when the communists took Seoul.

July 9, 1950

Handwritten Letter, Kim Il Sung to Terenti Shtykov

Letter requesting 2000 units of barrage, 10 torpedo boats, and 3 torpedoes for the coastal defense of North Korea.

July 8, 1950

Handwritten Letter, Kim Il Sung to Joseph Stalin

About the 25-35 Soviet military advisors given to the Korean army.

June 30, 1951

Cable No. 21340, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao asks Stalin to make sure that Kim Il Sung knows that he must agree to conduct negotiations to cease hostilities, and to decide the time, place, and number of participants for these negotiations. Mao continues to give his advice as to what the best place and time would be for these negotiations (place, on the 38th parallel; and time, 15 July, 1950).
