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March 1, 1955

Pravda Newspaper Article on the Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Concerning the USSR CM [Council of Ministers]

Pravda announces the decisions made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.

February 28, 1955

Report by the Measurement Lab of the USSR Academy of Science, 'On the Properties of the Atomic Bombs Detonated on the Marshal Islands in 1954'

Soviet scientific intelligence report on U.S. nuclear weapons testing on the Marshall Islands in 1954. This report concludes that the Ivy Mike and Castle nuclear detonations were thermonuclear based on gamma ray spectroscopy of fission fragments collected by Soviet aircraft over the USSR and PRC.

July 2, 1959

Report, State Committee on the USSR Council of Ministers on International Economic Ties, 'On the Present Economic Situation in the People’s Republic of China'

Soviet report on the PRC's economic situation. Notes that the expectations for Chinese economic growth were set too high, and records Chinese food rations.

March 31, 1959

Report by Yuri Andropov, 'On the Situation in Tibet'

Report on Tibet, detailing the history of PRC-Tibetan relations since 1949 and the social and economic work of the PRC in Tibet. Discusses the activity of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, and the political unrest in the region. Notes the relations of China, Tibet, and India.

July 26, 1958

Report to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, 'On the Economic and Political Situation in the PRC' (excerpts)

S. Antonov's report on the economic and political state of the PRC. Antonov writes that China should be able to equal England's steel production within the second Five-Year Plan. Also notes the heightening of Chinese-Japanese tension, as China recognizes the possibility of renewed Japanese militarism.

May 9, 1958

Memorandum of Conversation with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC Zhang Wentian

Record of conversation between S.F. Antonov and Zhang Wentian, regarding Chinese plans to influence Japanese politics. Additionally, Zhang comments on the close relationship between Poland and Yugoslavia.

April 19, 1958

From the Diary of P. F. Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 5 April 1958

Conversation between P.F. Yudin, Mao Zedong, and Zhou Enlai regarding Yugoslavia's place in the international Communist community, especially Tito's inconsistency as an ally.

March 15, 1958

From the Diary of P. F. Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation with Comrade Zhu De on 9 March 1958

Conversation between P. F. Yudin and Zhu De, regarding the 'ruble zone' advocated by Khrushchev.

August 12, 1951

Telegram, Soviet Foreign Ministry to N. V. Roshchin (Soviet Ambassador in Beijing)

Message from the Soviet Foreign Ministry to its Ambassador to the PRC Roshchin, instructing him to inform Zhou Enlai of the USSR's intent to reluctantly take part in the peace conference at San Francisco.

July 27, 1951

From the Diary of N. V. Roshchin: Memorandum of Conversation with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai on 24 July 1951

Discussion between Soviet Ambassador to the PRC Roshchin and Zhou Enlai regarding the conflict in Korea. Zhou states that the war effort is a drain on China's domestic economy, but that it will bounce back once the war is won. Also describes Chinese relations with capitalist countries. Notes that the CCP lacks technical specialists of any sort.
