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March 21, 1945

Record of V. M. Molotov's Conversation with President of Czechoslovakia E. Beneš

Molotov and President Beneš discussed the post-war borders of Czechoslovakia, the relocation of the Hungarian and German populations, and the economic situation in the country.

March 16, 1945

Report to L. P. Beria about the Social and Political Situation in Northern Transylvania

NKGB/NKVD report on the response in Northern Transylvania following Romania's resumption of control of the region.

March 5, 1945

Report to L. P. Beria about the Political Situation in Romania

NKGB/NKVD report on the political situation in Romania, describing the negotiations and maneuvering among the various political parties to form a coalition government.

January 20, 1945

Record of Conversation of Deputy Political Counselor of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria K. D. Levychkin with Public Judge Shulev about the Progress of the Court Trial of War Criminals

Bulgarian Judge Shulev asks for the Soviet position regarding the pending verdict in the war crimes trials of Bulgaria's WWII leaders. Levychkin refused to influence the verdict, saying it was not within the Allied Control Commission's authority.

January 12, 1945

Record of Conversation of the Allied Control Commission Official in Romania S. A. Dangulov with Leader of a Wing of the National Liberal Party (NLP) G. Tatarescu

Tatarescu, a leader in the Romanian National Liberal Party (NLP) describes factions inside his own party and relations between the various political parties in post-war Romania.

January 9, 1945

From the Diary of V. A. Zorin: Record of Conversation with Z. Firlinger on the Question of Preparing for the Armistice Negotiations with Hungary

Soviet Ambassador Zorin and Czech official Firlinger go over the details of the draft armistice agreement with Hungary.

January 9, 1945

Record of I. V. Stalin's Conversation with the Head of the Delegation of the National Liberation Committee of Yugoslavia, A. Hebrang

Stalin and Hebrang discuss building armed forces in Yugoslavia, its territorial problems, and its relations with Bulgaria and Albania


Anatoly Adamishin, 'The White Sun of Angola' (excerpts)

Anatoly Adamishin explains the crucial role that Cubans played in the Angolan conflict. Through large scale Cuban involvement, the cost for South Africa to continue its involvement in the conflict became too high and led to peace talks. However, the author still underlines the fact that it was Soviet arms that the Cubans were using in their fighting.


Vladimir Kazimirov, 'My MGIMO [Moscow State Institute of International Relations]' (excerpts)

Russian diplomat Vladimir Kazimirov recalls events surrounding and following the establishment of peace in Angola in 1988 and the lead up to establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Republic of South Africa.


Peter Gusev, 'Search for Your Destiny' (excerpts)

The recollection of a Soviet General who was stationed in Angola during the 1987-88 operation against UNITA around Cuito-Cuanavale. Offers his perspective on the operation, including Cuban involvement, experiencing South African artillery bombardment, and his impression of Angolan fears of white South Africans.
