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July 24, 1989

Decision of the Moldavian KGB Collegium, On the Implementation Status by KGB MSSR Section 5 'Fulfillment of the Directives of the XXVIIth CPSU Congress
on the Intensification of Ideological-Educational Work'

Report by the Moldavian KGB on the decisions it had implemented of the USSR KGB Collegium from the previous year. Includes work to counter Romanian nationalist propaganda. Romania is referred to by the code name "Objective 24." General-Lieutenant G.M. Volkov, the Chairman of the Moldavian SSR KGB, maintained that an all-out offensive was required, including the use of “persons of trust from among the ranks of people of science, culture and art,” in order to neutralize “the subversive activity of the adversary” by identifying and isolating the “emissaries of the adversary” and imposing “permanent and reliable operational control” over them.

August 19, 1986

Transcript No. 14, § 3, Annex, 'Measures Regarding the Intensification of Patriotic and Internationalist Education of the Population of the Republic, the Fight against Manifestations of Nationalism'

The Moldavian Communist Party lists measures to be taken to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda, assigning various tasks and deadlines to numerous government divisions and cultural organizations.

August 19, 1986

Transcript No. 14 of the Meeting of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Moldavian Communist Party

Meeting of the Moldavian Communist Party in which they discuss measures to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda in Moldavia. The MCP cited a “recent” and “abrupt intensification of bourgeois and revisionist propaganda operations,” fully supported by a “series of historians, publicists and means of mass information from the Socialist Republic of Romania,” and by Romanian tourists who, “educated in the spirit of nationalist and chauvinist calumnies of Romanian bourgeois and revisionist historiography,” try to spread their ideas among the population of the republic

November 13, 1984

Annex to the Decision of the Presidium of the MSSR AS, No. 178, 'Of the Institutions of Education of the Section for Social Sciences of the MSSR AS Regarding the Execution of the Decision of the Presidium of the USSR AS'

List of propaganda measures to be carried out by the Moldavian Academy of Sciences and various institutions in order to counter Romanian nationalist propaganda.

November 13, 1984

Presidium of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences, No. 178/02, 'Decision Regarding the Counteracting of the Falsifications of Romanian Sociologists'

The Moldavian Academy of Sciences reports on its decisions to counteract Romanian propaganda which contained "interpretations of a nationalist spirit appear, [as well as] misrepresentations of a series of key-problems tied to the history of Romania, to Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations, to the falsification of the so-called 'Bessarabian question,' to the history of the liberation of Romania by the Soviet Army, etc."

June 8, 1983

Annex, to Decision of the Presidium of the MSSR AS, 'Projected Measures for Fulfilling the Disposition 'On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the"New Historical Concept" in the SRR'

A list of works to be prepared or translated in order to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda in Moldavia.

June 8, 1983

Presidium of the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, Decision Regarding the Measures of the Social Science Section Fulfilling the Disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS on "the 'New Historical Concept’ in the SRR"

Instructions from the Moldavian Academy of Sciences to prepare materials to counter Romania nationalist propaganda which insisted that Moldavia was part of Romania. This included plans "to expand the publication of materials referring to the history of Russo-Romanian, Soviet-Romanian relations and to key problems from the history of Romania and Moldavia."

June 17, 1983

Letter, Moldavian Academy of Sciences, No. 0266, to Vice-President USSR AS [Academy of Sciences], Academician P. N. Fedoseev

Letter reporting that the instructions of the Moldavian Academy of Science will be carried out.

September 18, 1960

The Korean People's Democratic Republic (A Brief Memorandum)

Tugarinov discusses the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1945 and the political and economic situation in the DPRK and ROK respectively.

June 12, 1960

The Economic and Political Situation of the DPRK

The memorandum elaborates on the rapid economic growth and development in domestic policies in the DPRK after the Korean War.
