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February 1, 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Decision

November 20, 1962

Memorandum from the Head of the USSR Merchant Fleet to the CC CPSU

Bakaev tells the CC CPSU that Soviet ships en route to Cuba are subject to overhead flights and surveillance by Americans.

April 26, 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, 'Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations'

The Soviet Embassy in Havana gives an overview of the latest developments in US-Cuban relations. While steps towards a rapprochment have been undertaken, both sides are deadlocked on the issue of Cuba's military involvement in Africa.

June 25, 1979

Soviet Ambassador to Cuba V.I. Vorotnikov, Memorandum of Conversation with Fidel Castro

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador Vorotnikov and Fidel Castro

December 27, 1979

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.S. Seletskii and Jose Antonio Arbesu, Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba and Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee about the US-Cuban relations

May 25, 1980

Transcript of Conversation between Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and East German leader Erich Honecker, Havana, (excerpt)

Memorandum of conversation between Castro and Honecker regarding the bilateral relations, US-Cuban relations, and Soviet-Cuban relations

November 23, 1981

Transcript of Meeting between US Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Cuban Vice Premier Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Mexico City

Memorandum of conversation taken during the secret meeting between Alexander Haig and Cuban Vice Premier arranged by Carlos R. Rodriguez, Mexican Foreign Minister, in Mexico City

January 14, 1982

CPSU CC Politburo transcript, 14 January 1982 (excerpt)

Brezhnev discusses Soviet talks with Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czyrek. Brezhnev also informs the Politburo about the state of the PZPR, the Polish economy, the newly instituted Polish martial law, and the leadership of Jaruzelski.

January 11, 1991

CPSU CC Reports, 11 January 1991

Reports "On the development of the new position of the War Councils in the arming of the USSR, internally, externally, and with railroad troops" and "On the delimitation of function of governmental and party organs in the work of the War Councils."

June 26, 1953

Secret Memorandum from Secretary of the Moscow Committee N. Mikhailov to Nikita Khrushchev

Mikhailov reports to Khrushchev that mass rallies had taken place in 14 large factories in Moscow in response to the June uprising in East Berlin. He reports that the workers had been protesting “provocative” acts by West Germans and American occupiers to disturb peace in the GDR.
