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April 28, 1955

Chinese Foreign Ministry Reference Document No.1

Chinese Reference Document No. 1 which includes the following articles:

Ike says to correspondents that the USA is willing to hold direct negotiations with New China
Britain wishes to be a loyal mediator between New China and the USA
Burmese newspapers’ comments on Taiwan issue
Nehru, Nasir and others speak to correspondents in Calcutta
Menzies’s comments on Zhou Enlai’s proposal
Kotalawela’s comment on the Asian-African Conference
USA and Red China
Bright prospect
Bright prospect
The Five States of the Colombo Conference and the USA
Comments of the prime ministers of India, Pakistan and Egypt on the Asian-African Conference
The Bandung Conference
The Five States of the Colombo Conference and the USA.
Allen’s comments on the Asian-African Conference
Pakistan and Egypt on the Asian-African Conference

December 15, 1947

Explanation of the Dissolution of the Indochinese Communist Party in 1945

List of reasons for the dissolution of the Indochinese Communist Party by the Viet Minh in 1945. The list was provided by Pham Ngoc Thach while meeting with the Soviet Envoy in Switzerland A. G. Kulazhenkov in September 1947.


Eldridge Cleaver's Introduction to Kim Il Sung's Speeches

Eldridge Cleaver praises North Korea's efforts toward national liberation and suggests that Kim Il Sung's speeches should be inspiring to Americans.

February 26, 1954

CIA Review of Radio Liberty Broadcasting

A CIA memorandum reviews Radio Liberty policy guidance to date and outlines how it differs from the Voice of America.

November 18, 1953

CIA Dissent from C.D. Jackson’s Views

CIA official Tracey Barnes, reacting to C.D. Jackson’s memorandum of November 16, 1953 ("Fomenting Unrest in the Communist World"), cautions against encouraging active resistance in Eastern Europe.

August 19, 1965

Chinese Foreign Ministry Circular, "Vietnam 'Peace Talk' Activities"

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reports on overtures made by the United States toward initiating peace talks to end the Vietnam War. Many countries in such as Ghana, France, India and Yugoslavia are attempting to promote the talks, but China remains skeptical of these initiatives and opposed to opening talks.

May 20, 1978

Minutes of Conversation at the Official Meeting between the Romanian Delegation and the Korean Delegation

Minutes of conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and Kim Il Sung; the topic of the conversation is the domestic situation (mostly economic) in North Korea and the foreign relations of Romania and North Korea.

May 21, 1965

Politburo Talk by Zhou Enlai on Receiving a Group of Central Military Commission Operational Meeting Comrades

Speaking at the Politburo, Zhou Enlai explains how nuclear weapons capabilities have won China newfound admiration in the non-aligned world and instilled fear in the other nuclear powers, particularly the United States and Soviet Union.

November 3, 1964

Record of Zhou Enlai’s Discussion with British Minister President of the Board of Trade Douglas Jay

Having successfully executed a nuclear test explosion, Zhou Enlai describes the Chinese government’s motivation for pursuing atomic weapons capabilities. Zhou argues that the Three-Nation Treaty (Limited Test Ban Treaty) is insufficient, that the United States remains committed to nuclear proliferation despite the agreement, and that China seeks to end the monopoly that other nuclear powers have thus far exploited. Zhou also calls for the organization of a global, truly equal summit at which to discuss the issue of nuclear weapons testing and proliferation.

September 5, 1963

Zhou Enlai’s Discussion with a Kenyan African National Federation Delegation (Excerpt)

Zhou Enlai criticizes the Three-Nation Treaty (Limited Test Ban Treaty) of 1963, arguing that it signifies an attempt by the US, UK, and USSR to monopolize nuclear weapons. Enlai warns that the agreement will allow larger nuclear countries to commit “nuclear blackmail” against smaller, non-nuclear countries.
