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February 24, 1966

Transcript of Discussions on the Occasion of the Reception by Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu of the Soviet Ambassador in Bucharest, A. V. Basov

This document is a transcript of the conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and A. V. Basov, Soviet Ambassador to Bucharest, in which Nicolae Ceausescu informs the ambassador of his refusal to become involved in the relations between Poland and China over the situation in Vietnam.

May 28, 1965

Note of Conversation on Occasion of the Reception of the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Bucharest, Hoang Tu

This conversation consists of a briefing on the situation in Vietnam, including the failures of recent US military plans, US military escalation, and the topics discussed by the Vietnamese Worker's Party delegation with the Soviet Union Communist Party in Moscow.

July 4, 1983

Information by the Soviet Ambassador in Budapest on the situation in Iran

This bulletin from the Soviet ambassador to Hungary describes Soviet relations with Iran, including tensions relating to Iranian communists and the double containment policy created by Soviet military aid to Iran, as well as Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq War.

March 2, 1983

Hungarian Foreign Ministry memorandum of conversation with the Iraqi Ambassador in Budapest in 1983

This memorandum of the conversation between Ismail Hammoudi Hussein, the Ambassador of the Iraqi Republic in Budapest, and Károly Szigeti and Comrade Puja, describes Hussein’s suggestions that Hungary should help peace efforts between Iran and Iraq and that the USSR should increase its influence in the region.

April 14, 1981

Announcement by Hungarian Prime Minister György Lázár on the new Soviet position concerning the shipment of arms to Iraq and Iran at the HSWP Political Committee meeting on 14 April 1981

György Lázár informs the Political Committee that the Soviet Union intends to lift their embargo on the transportation of military hardware to Iran and Iraq.

March 2, 1981

Report of the Hungarian Embassy in Iraq on the developments of Soviet-Iraqi relations

This report by Dr. Gy. Tatár of the Hungarian Embassy in Iraq describes the deterioration of relations between Iraq and the Soviet Union, and reports that Iraq's increased openness to the West and the Iran-Iraq War are among the reasons for this trend.

March 26, 1975

Saddam Hussein’s political portrait - compiled for Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja prior to the Iraqi leader’s visit to Hungary in May 1975

This report on Saddam Hussein as vice president of the Revolutionary Commanding Council describes Hussein's personal background, political views, and negotiating persona. Frigyes Puja ordered the compilation of information on Saddam Hussein two months before his visit to Hungary.

June 26, 1970

Hungarian Foreign Ministry memorandum on Soviet Ambassador Titov’s briefing on Soviet foreign policy

This memorandum gives Soviet Ambassador Titov's report that during Gromiko's visit to France, the French seemed eager to continue to build relations with the USSR. It also reports on the reception of the Rogers Plan, an American plan to bring peace to the Middle East, by the Arab states.

November 2, 1967

Report from the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow on Soviet foreign policy on the crisis in the Middle East in 1967

This report by the Hungarian embassy in Moscow states that neither the Soviet Union nor the United States wants to escalate tensions over the crisis in the Middle East and may be able to find a resolution.

May 26, 1966

Report from the Hungarian Embassy in Cario on Kosygin's visit in the UAR

This report describes the visit of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin to the United Arab Republic (UAR) during which he reinforced positive relations with President Nasser and the UAR and discussed the Vietnam War, Sino-Soviet tensions, the Arab World, Israel, and economic concerns.
