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August 19, 1945

Report by Ivan Yumashev to Aleksandr Vasilevsky

The plan of operation for a Soviet invasion of the island of Hokkaido and the Kurile Islands.

August 19, 1945

Order by Aleksandr Novikov to the Commander of the 9th Air Army

Novikov gives orders for air support in preparation for a Soviet invasion of the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

August 19, 1945

Translation of Message from Harry S. Truman to Joseph Stalin

Responding to a message from Stalin, Truman agrees to allow Soviet control of the Kurile Islands, but stresses that all islands of Japan proper, including Hokkaido, are to be surrendered to US forces.

August 18, 1945

Order by Aleksandr Vasilevsky to the Commander of the 1st Far Eastern Front

Vasilevsky sends orders to continue the occupation of Manchuria and prepare for invasion of the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

August 18, 1945

Telegram from Aleksandr Vasilevsky to Stalin

Vasilevsky reports on the progress of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria and planning for invasion of the Japanese island of Hokkaido and other islands in the Pacific.

August 17, 1945

Draft Message from Joseph Stalin to Harry S. Truman

Stalin requests that the Soviet Union gain possession of the Kurile Islands and the northern half of the island of Hokkaido, Japan.

May 31, 1946

General-Colonel T. Shtykov to Cde. V.M. Molotov, Report about the Work of the Joint Soviet-American Commission to Implement the Moscow Decision of the Three Ministers of Foreign Affairs concerning Korea

This document is a report on the Moscow Decision. It includes a 27 page report, a list of questions for the consultation with the parties, a section about the procedure of the consultation with the parties and social organizations, and a report on the work of factories in north Korea.

April 20, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Recommendations based on Developments in the Current Situation'

December 10, 1945

Malik, 'On the Question of a United Government in Korea'

This document discusses the creation of an independent Korea. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Chiang Kai-shek first presented the idea at the Cairo Conference in 1943. The United States supports the creation of a single Korean state while the USSR opposes it. The document discusses the importance of the answer to the unification question for the Soviet Union's political and economic future as well as its interest in the Far East.

June 27, 1973

Telegram by Ambassador in Brussels Pignatti to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Soviet-American agreement on preventing nuclear war'

Summarizes the first comments from Min. Foreign Affairs on the agreement Soviet-American for the Prevention of Nuclear War. It is said that the philosophy of this agreement appears to have contradictions with regard to the classic strategy of NATO and diminish the credibility of the latter. Conceptions NATO military will have to be updated in light of recent agreements and ongoing trends around the Russian-American bipolarity. Just because you are at a "secondary" compared to the two supergrandi, Europeans should take the opportunity arising from this new trend to seriously address the issue of their defense. The prospect more desirable at this stage is an acceleration of proesso European unification, including the appearance of its "independent" defense.
