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July 16, 1952

Ciphered Telegram No. 4018 from Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong via Krasovsky

Stalin agrees with Mao's position on repatriation and says Kim Il Sung agrees as well.

March 22, 1952

Ciphered Telegram from Kim Il Sung to Razuvaev

Telegram asking for agreement/confirmation from the USSR government in order to award a number of Soviet military advisors (list included) for their military assistance.

March 7, 1952

CPSU Politburo Decision on Razuvaev's Telegram #188-190

Razuvaev's suggestion to publish an interview with Kim Il Sung is unacceptable.

December 9, 1951

Telegram from Shtemenko to Poskrebyshev

Reporting that in all the battles from 1 November 1950 to December 1951 fought by the airforce and anti-aircraft artillery, 569 enemy aircrafts were shot down, and 510 allies' aircrafts were shot down.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minster Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – Relations with the Soviet Union)'

Foreign Ministers Wu Xueqian and Abe Shintaro exchange views on the Soviet Union and its policies toward China and Japan.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minster Visit to China (Conversation with Chairman Deng Xiaoping)'

Deng and Nakasone briefly exchange views on the Soviet Union and its military build up in Mongolia.

March 24, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Summit Meeting – International Affairs)'

Nakasone and Zhao Ziyang review Chinese and Japanese views on the Soviet Union's military build up and the Cambodian issue.

March 27, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Conversation with General Secretary Hu Yaobang)'

An addendum to the conversation notes between Hu Yaobang and Nakasone Yasuhiro.

July 20, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Telegram from Mao to Stalin discussing the points of agreement and disagreement between the Korean-Chinese and Anglo-American representatives of armistice negotiations.

June 27, 1951

Reception of Alan G. Kirk, US Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Record of Gromyko's discussion with Alan G. Kirk on whether the Soviet government is willing to support a peaceful resolution to the Korean problem. Gromyko answered in the affirmative. The two discussed ways to achieve a resolution, and who should be represented at the peace talks.
