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November 25, 1963

US State Department Translation, Telegram no. 03381 Concerning American Press Reports of Soviet and Cuban Connections to Lee Harvey Oswald

Telegrams from Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to The United States, to the CC CPSU on measures to be taken and report on the "slanderous fabrications" in the American press regarding Oswlad's connections with the USSR

November 22, 1963

US State Department Translation, Special No. 1967-1967, Cipher Telegram Concerning Kennedy Assassination

Telegram from Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the United States, describes the immediate events following the Kennedy Assassination. Also discusses the risk of Soviet blame as a result of Lee Harvey Oswald's connection to the USSR.

November 27, 1959

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, no.3471-sh, 'Resolution of the CC CPSU Regarding the Application of US National Lee Harvey Oswald for Soviet Citizenship'

Telegram from Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, to CC CPSU advising that Lee Harvey Oswald be granted temporary sojourn in the USSR for one year and to provide him employment and housing. The Resolution includes specifics of employment and housing.

November 23, 1963

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, Protocol no. 125 of Meeting of the Presidium, 'On Measure to be take in Connection with the Murder of US President J. F. Kennedy'

Condolence letters/telegrams from Leonid Brezhnev, Nikita Krushchev, and Nina Krushcheva to U.S. President L.B. Johnson and Jacqueline Kennedy conveying the sympathy and grief of the Soviet people

October 31, 1988

Memorandum, 'Re: Chinese Views on Some Aspects of Hungarian and Soviet Reform Policies'

The Hungarian Ministry of the Interior weighs how China views the ongoing reforms in Hungary.

July 18, 1988

Letter, 'Re: Chinese and Japanese Diplomats on Foreign Policy Issues'

Chinese and Japanese views on politics in the Soviet Union and the reforms ongoing in Hungary.

May 14, 1987

Relations of the Chinese Communist Party to Some Fraternal Communist Countries

The Hungarians evaluate China's relations with Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

December 15, 1986

Secret Telegram from Jász, 'On the Relations between China and the Socialist Countries in 1986'

A Hungarian report on China's changing relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

February 21, 1985

Géza Kótai, 'Memorandum for Comrade Mátyás Szűrös'

Summary of an informal Interkit meeting to discuss China's foreign policy and tension with the Soviet Union.

November 2, 1984

Iván Németh, 'Memorandum for the Attention of Comrade Mátyás Szűrös'

Discussion with M. L. Titarenko, a Soviet delegate at an Interkit meeting, on Sino-Soviet relations.
