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April 15, 1971

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 1 of the CPSU CC Politburo meeting of 15 April 1971, 'Concerning the Representation to the British MFA in connection with the Anti-Soviet CCampaign around the So-called “Katyn Affair”'

The CPSU Central Committee calls on the Soviet Embassy in London to lodge a protest over a new BBC film about the Katyn massacre. The CPSU insists the massacre was perpetrated by the Nazis.

April 12, 1971

Note, A. Gromyko to the CPSU Central Committee

Gromyko describes "anti-Soviet propaganda" in the United Kingdom related to the Katyn massacre. He proposes that the Soviet Embassy in London make representations to the British Foreign Office.

December 1, 1991

Folder No. 105 [List of Documents about the Katyn Massacre]

A list of Soviet era documents about the Katyn massacre produced from November 1939 through November 1991.

April 11, 1944

Stalin Holds Dinner for Yugoslavian Leaders

Josip Tito, Milovan Djilas, and Joseph Stalin meet and dicuss currently events and theorize about post-war Europe.

December 16, 1951

VKP(b) CC Politburo to Vyshinsky

A directive from the Politburo, instructing Vyshinsky on voting strategies for a UN draft resolution regarding nuclear armaments control. Vyshinsky is to vote against the draft of the three powers unless India proposes transferring the draft to the Commission; he is also to vote against all points of the draft except the individual secondary provisions.

November 26, 1946

Cable Nos. 423-424, Molotov to Druzhkov [Stalin]

A letter from Molotov, discussing an additional point the Soviets plan to add to their proposal and seeking approval from Stalin. The point recommends a special commission within the Security Council for the purposes of both arms reduction and nuclear arms control.

November 26, 1946

Cable Nos. 423-424, Molotov to Cde. Druzhkov [Stalin]

A cable from Molotov, discussing an additional point the Soviets plan to add to their proposal and seeking approval from Stalin. The point recommends a special commission within the Security Council for the purposes of both arms reduction and nuclear arms control.

February 2, 1944

Memorandum of Conversation Held in the Kremlin, February 2, 1944, at 6 p.m.

W. Averell Harriman and Joseph Stalin discuss the United States using Soviet Air Bases on the Pacific coast and the Soviets entering the Pacific fight.

November 3, 1949

Cable Nos. 826-827 from Shtykov

Shtykov requests the Soviet government to give Koreans further aid in instruments for an arsenal.

October 23, 1947

Draft of Telegram to Vyshinsky on the Korean Question

Vyshinsky is instructed that, because the Korean issue is already on the UNSC agenda, it should remain there. Vyshinsky should stake out a position that both American and Soviet troops withdraw simultaneously, allowing the Koreans to develop a unified government. Elected representatives from both Koreas should be invited to discussions. A time span for the troop withdrawals must be set. The draft includes some scrawled recommendations from Stalin.
