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October 11, 1950

Cable No. 4785, Filippov [Stalin] and Zhou Enlai to the Soviet Ambassador in Peking

Instructions for the Chinese army in light of the fact that the Chinese forces designated to assist Korea are not ready.

October 12, 1950

Cable, 8th Directorate of the USSR Armed Forces General Staff to Cdes. Shtykov and Vasil'yev

Instructions for Kim Il Sung in light of the fact that the Chinese troops destined for Korea are not ready to act.

October 13, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 25612, Roshchin to Flippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong asks that Zhou Enlai remain in Moscow as they discuss intervening in Korea.

October 8, 1950

Telegram from Mao Zedong to Filippov (Stalin)

Mao informs Stalin that the Chinese volunteers could cross into Korea by October 15.

November 18, 1957

Excerpt from the Unedited Translation of Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Moscow Conference of Communist and Workers’ Parties

July 19, 1990

Sucharipa, Austrian Foreign Ministry, 'German Unification, Soviet Position'

The document discusses the Soviet position on German unification in six separate parts. The first deals with confusion over Gorbachev's better than expected consent to unification. Second are the potential domestic and foreign policy reasons the USSR consented so readily to unification, followed by the third part which outlines potential Soviet benefits from the process. The fourth section discusses the autonomy of the new German government, which is backed up with the fifth section discussing public sentiment. The final portion discusses the fine line for both the Soviet Union and the West between being overbearing on Germany's new independence and not helping enough.

February 21, 1990

Assessment by the Austrian Foreign Ministry, 'Question of German Unity (State of affairs, February 1990)'

The assessment by the Austrian Foreign Ministry of German Unity is broken into five subject areas. The first part concerns the responsibility of the Four Powers to a new unified Germany. Next, West Germany's commitment to German unity dating as far back as 1970. The third portion outlines the border and security concerns of East and West Germany, as well as the Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain, and France. The next part is focused on economic recovery, specifically the lack of certain goods in East Germany (ie cars and houses). Finally, the report addresses the future developments of a unified Germany with an emphasis on the security of nearby states.

September 19, 1989

Analysis by Envoy Thomas Nowotny, 'The Specter of German Reunification'

The report discusses the conflicting views from countries such as the US and USSR surrounding German Reunification. It later explains predicted demographics, economics, and military prowess of a unified Germany.

June 17, 1967

Letter from Walther Peinsipp (Tel Aviv) to Lujo Tončić-Sorinj (Vienna), 'Final Confrontation of Soviet and American Opinions from Israel'

Summary of conversation with a departing Soviet Embassy official who describes the Soviet assessment of the Six-Day War.

January 27, 1965

Record of Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi's Third Conversation with Subandrio

Zhou and Subandrio discuss Indonesia's withdrawal from the United Nations, non-alignment, the Soviet Union, and the Second Asian-African Conference.
