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1951 - 1960 of 2425


August 29, 1968

Report Presented to the 15 Plenum of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee

Lengthy briefing for the Central Committee on the status of North Vietnamese diplomatic efforts during the first eight months of 1968 and future plans.

April 8, 1968

Secret North Vietnam Politburo Cable

The Vietnamese Politburo informs COSVN (the communist command in South Vietnam) of developments in the United States domestic politics which have impacted President Johnson's strategy in Vietnam. It also discusses goals for the upcoming diplomatic contacts with the US.

April 3, 1968

Secret North Vietnam Politburo Cable

The Vietnamese Politburo informs COSVN (the communist command in South Vietnam) of developments in the war following the 1968 Tet Offensive.

January 21, 1968

Secret North Vietnam Politburo Cable

The Vietnamese Politburo informs COSVN (the communist command in South Vietnam) of plans to form a new front, the “Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces.” This group was to work to undermine the American war effort

December 1965

Excerpt from Resolution of the 12 Plenum of the Party Central Committee On the New Situation and Our New Responsibilities

Resolution by the Communist Party of Vietnam proposing to make "every possible effort to win international sympathy, support, and assistance."

March 27, 1965

Resolution of the Party Central Committee on the Immediate Situation and Urgent Responsibilities

Resolution by the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on the Vietnam War and the related "diplomatic struggle."

February 23, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.049, Flash

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK reports on General Pak Jeong-guk and his negotiations with the United States over the release of the USS Pueblo crew.

February 7, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.035, Urgent

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK reports on U.S.-North Korean negotiations over the USS Pueblo and tensions between the United States and South Korea over the response to North Korea's recent provocations.

January 29, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.027, Urgent

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK summarizes a recent meeting held with M. Golub, the Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to Pyongyang, and discusses U.S.-North Korean negotiations and the Soviet response to the USS Pueblo crisis.

January 29, 1968

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.026, Flash

The Embassy of Romania in the DPRK summarizes a meeting held with D. Tsvetkov, First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang. Tsvetkov discussed Soviet mediation efforts between the United States and North Korea, as well as the Soviet Union's overall response to the USS Pueblo crisis.
