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September 25, 1971

Factor Analysis Concerning the State of Preparation for a European Security Conference

A description and analysis of the United States' position on the European Security Conference as perceived by the GDR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

October 18, 1972

About Some Current Questions Concerning the Multilateral Preparations for the European Security Conference

An update on the progress of the pre-CSCE agenda negotiations

November 22, 1972

Notes about a Conversation with the USSR's Ambassador, Comrade Malzev, on 22 November 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between East German officials and the Soviet ambassador to Finland on the subject of the seating arrangements and participant designations for the upcoming CSCE conference

October 2, 1979

Summary of Dutch Position on TNF Modernization for a Meeting Between US Secretary of Defense Harold Brown and Dutch Defense Minister Willem Scholten

An outline of the Dutch position on the modernization of Theater Nuclear Forces (TNF) in Europe as of late 1979. It includes extensive discussion of Dutch domestic political challenges associated with supporting TNF modernization, the proposed connection between TNF modernization and the fate of SALT II as well as an enumeration of military/technical conditions under which TNF modernization would be viewed as more palatable by the Dutch government.

May 2, 1963

The Development of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Reunification Policy

The report offers a summary and an evaluation of North Korea's reunification plans from 1945 through 1962.

June 20, 1963

Information About the Policy of the Korean Workers Party from the East German Embassy

Criticisms of the DPRK are made about Kim Il Sung's personality cult, concealment of socialist countries' support, waning cooperation with socialist countries, intensification of China-North Korea cooperation, and distancing from the Soviet Union.

June 2007

On Human Rights. Folder 51. The Chekist Anthology.

Outlines the KGB’s response to the USSR’s signing of the Helsinki Accords in 1975. The accords obligated signatories to respect their citizens’ human rights. This gave Soviet dissidents and westerners leverage in demanding that the USSR end persecution on the basis of religious or political beliefs.

Some of the KGB’s active measures included the establishment of a charitable fund dedicated to helping victims of imperialism and capitalism, and the fabrication of a letter from a Ukrainian group to FRG President Walter Scheel describing human rights violations in West Germany. The document also mentions that the Soviet Ministry of Defense obtained an outline of the various European powers’ positions on human rights issues as presented at the March 1977 meeting of the European Economic Community in London from the Italian Foreign Ministry.

The KGB also initiated Operation “Raskol” [“Schism”], which ran between 1977 and 1980. This operation included active measures to discredit Soviet dissidents Andrei Sakharov, Yelena Bonner, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, measures designed to drive a wedge between the US and its democratic allies, and measures intended to convince the US government that continued support for the dissident movement did nothing to harm the position of the USSR.

February 1, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai

Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai discuss Chinese Communist Party contacts with the US, recognition of the coalition government, and the Chinese attitude toward foreign property.

June 30, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 3917, Filippov [Stalin] to Krasovsky, for Cde. Mao Zedong

Telegram from Stalin to Mao advising how to reply to the American request for armistice negotiations.

May 19, 1965

Liu Shaoqi, 'Speech at the Reception of the Comrades of the Central Military Commission War Planning Meeting'

Speech on China's state of preparations for war with the United States.
