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October 24, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to the USA Dobrynin to the USSR MFA

Dobrynin relays the results of a meeting with R. Kennedy during which R. Kennedy is outraged at the “deception” of the Soviet Union by putting long-range missiles in Cuba.

February 20, 1979

Saddam and High-Ranking Officials Discussing Khomeini, the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict, the Potential for Kurdish Unrest, and the Iranian Economy

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam and some Iraqi diplomatic personnel dated 20 February 1979. The meeting's main issue was Iran and Khomeini. One of the attendants asked Saddam if there is any possibility of turbulence in Iranian Kurdistan due to the internal chaos of the Iranian government. And if so, how would it affect Iraqi Kurdistan. They talked about the Iranian economy and the Iranian army. They said that the Iranian air force contains mostly American jets and it was built on American experience. Secondly they had a discussion about Eritrea and the diplomatic relationship between Iraq and Eritrea.

November 1, 1960

Letter from Gen. G. Tzankov to A. Shelepin Regarding Conference in Vienna of US Consuls in Eastern Europe

The Bulgarian Minister of Internal Affairs informs the Soviet State Security Committee Chief about a forthcoming meeting in Vienna where US officials will discuss consular issues

September 8, 1979

Bulgarian Intelligence Analysis of US-Greek Relations

A report on the state of bilateral relations with emphasis on military co-operation and the US mediation of the Greco-Turkish disputes.

January 19, 1982

Report, Embassy of Hungary in India to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry on Indian-Pakistani relations

Report based on information from a Soviet ambassador on India's strategy for dealing with Pakistan. India is concerned about the military support Pakistan is receiving from the United States and China, as well as Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. India is receiving military support from the Soviet Union, modernizing its forces, and seems to be preparing for war with Pakistan.

August 1987

Memorandum, Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Memo discussing India's nuclear ambitions and position in Asia, especially in relation to China and Pakistan.

February 9, 1988

Report, Embassy of Hungary in India to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Report on India's response to the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty by the United States and Soviet Union. India supportive of disarmament efforts, in part because of its concerns about China and Pakistan. Describes a speech made by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi at the Six Nation Five Continent Peace Initiative summit in January at Stockholm.

March 2, 1954

'Preliminary Opinions on the Assessment of and Preparation for the Geneva Conference,' Prepared by the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs (drafted by PRC Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai) [Excerpt]

Zhou discusses the need to make agreements at the Geneva conference in order to open a path for discussion and negotiation with the west. Zhou notes that because the US, France and Britain are not united in their opinions, the CCP must hold fast to their positions on the peaceful unification of Korea, and of peace in Indochina. Finally, Zhou suggests that the CCP prepare to discuss issues of trade, relaxing international tensions, and breaking the US embargo, although these issues are not on the agenda.

September 27, 1979

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York regarding the apperant lack of US policy toward Afghanistan. (excerpt)

December 24, 1989

Record of Conversation with US Ambassador to the USSR, J. Matlock

Record of conversation with US Ambassador to the USSR, J. Matlock regarding the situation in Romania, providing humanitarian aid to Romania, the evacuation of Soviet citizens, and the non-intervention policy by the Soviet Union
