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August 1, 1949

Letter, Frank Wisner to DeWitte Pool [Approved for Release May 6, 2019]

Frank Wisner counsels FEC executive secretary DeWitte Poole that the FEC, private but largely government funded, should consult closely with OPC and the State Department on issues of policy, budget, and personnel vetting.

January 10, 1957

Memorandum for [withheld], 'Reappraisal of U.S. Propaganda Broadcasting' [Declassified May 6, 2019]

The State Department forwards to CIA a memorandum calling for fundamental reorientation and curtailment of RFE and RL broadcasts.

February 11, 1957

Memorandum for the Director of Central Intelligence, 'Additional Proposal concerning the Reappraisal of U.S. Propaganda Broadcasting' [Declassified May 6, 2019]

CIA official Laughlin Campbell recommends to Allen Dulles that he support the establishment of an interagency working group to include USIA officials (later named the Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy, CRBP) to reappraise U.S. international broadcasting.

June 10, 1954

Thomas W. Braden, 'Operation VETO' [Approved for Release May 6, 2019]

CIA official Thomas Braden assures the State Department that RFE broadcasts which took sides in Czechoslovak factory council elections, as envisaged in FEC Czechoslovak Guidance No. 13, have ended. (The Guidance and the cited FEC telegram are available in the Hoover Archives and the Blinken Open Society Archives as FEC teletype NYC 29, June 8, 1954.)

January 27, 1959

Cord Meyer, Jr., 'Policy Guidance and Program Review for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberation' [Approved for Release May 6, 2019]

CIA official Cord Meyer reviews RFE and RL responses to program changes directed by the interagency Committee on Radio Broadcast Policy.

August 23, 1968

Fred W. Valtin, 'Czech Crisis--Policy Guidance from State' [Approved for Release May 6, 2019]

CIA official Fred Valtin conveys to FEC President William Durkee requested guidance from the State Department that RFE should not broadcast calls for active resistance to the Soviet occupiers even if from high-level Czechoslovak officials.

June 1972

A. Ross Johnson and Arnold L. Horelick, 'Communist Political Succession'

This 1972 RAND Report, prepared for the Department of State, describes possible alternative domestic and international “futures” and presents a framework for formation of U.S. policy toward post-Tito Yugoslavia. It includes appendices assessing Yugoslav developments and reviewing the history of U.S.-Yugoslav relations.

April 30, 1948

George F. Kennan, 'The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare'

State Department Policy Planning Director George Kennan outlines, in a document for the National Security Council, the idea of a public committee, working closely with the US government, to sponsor various émigré activities.

March 28, 1978

Response of the President of the [Socialist Federal] Republic [of Yugoslavia], J.B. Tito, to Kim Il Sung

During his visit to the United States, Tito stressed that relations between states should be based on equality and independence. Regarding the possibility of dialogue between the US and the DPRK, Yugoslavia could help with a low level trilateral dialogue.

December 6, 1978

Matters Arising from the South African-American Talks held in Washington on 20, 21 and 22 November 1978 in connection with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act, 1978 (NNPA)
