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August 30, 1956

CDS Report No. 16 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choe Deok-sin reports that the South Vietnamese government has dispatched ships to the Spratly Islands, and comments on the status of the Overseas Chinese in Vietnam, exchanges between Vietnam and Japan and the Philippines, and Vietnam's economic policies.

July 31, 1957

Letter from Choi Duk Shin to Senator William F. Knowland

Based on his recent travels, Choi Duk Shin offers three perspectives on the political thoughts of developing nations in Southeast Asia possess towards communism.

August 10, 1957

Memorandum from George W. Wood for Lt. Col Lee, 'Visit of Vietnamese Officers to Korea to Observe the Korean Service Corps'

George W. Wood of the US Eighth Army agrees with the proposal for South Vietnamese officers to come to South Korea for study and training.

August 30, 1957

Letter No. 88 from the President (Syngman Rhee) to Minister Duk Shin Choi

President Rhee requests clarification on the dates of President Diem's visit to South Korea and briefly discusses President Diem's reliance on U.S. advice for foreign relations.

April 19, 1957

Weekly Report from Pyung Sik Son to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Pyung Sik Son reports on the "International Anti-Communist Exhibit" held in South Vietnam and the visit of a South Korean naval delegation to Thailand.

May 3, 1957

Weekly Report from Pyung Sik Son to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Pyung Sik Son reports that the Korean artists mission in Saigon has successfully introduced Korean culture to and has made good impression upon the Vietnamese people.

June 20, 1957

CDS Report No. 44 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

May 8, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Preliminary Views on the Soviet Union's Attitude at the Geneva Conference'

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow assess the Soviet Union's positions at the Geneva Conference on Laos, and concludes that the Soviet Union's policy is "to protect the patriotic democratic forces of Laos."

February 10, 1961

Transcript of the Reception between Vice Premier Chen Yi and the Delegation from Laos

Chen Yi and Sisana Sisane discuss the Civil War in Laos and the various attempts to mediate the conflict by outside powers, including China, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

December 17, 1960

Memorandum of Chairman Mao's Conversation with Sihanouk on 17 December 1960

Mao Zedong and Norodom Sihanouk discuss the deteriorating situation in Laos.
