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March 4, 1981

Telegram from South African Ambassador in Washington Donald Sole on Prospective Reagan Administration Non-Proliferation Policy

South African Ambassador Donald Sole reports on the possible effect of Reagan non-proliferation policy on South African/US nuclear relations.

November 12, 1980

Memorandum from Chief of South African Military Intelligence Staff, 'Visit to RSA of General Yona Efrat, Israeli Defence Force Reserve'

Memorandum approving funds for Israel General Yonah Efrat’s visit to South Africa. The purpose of the visit was for Efrat to "gain insight into our industrial potentials and fuel processing plants such as SASOL and Secunda."

October 9, 1980

Letter from Former Israeli Central Command Head Yonah Efrat to South African Defence Minister Magnus Malan

In a handwritten personal letter Yonah Efrat congratulates Malan on new assignment as Defense Minister.

January 21, 1979

US Interagency Intelligence Memorandum, 'The 22 September 1979 Event'

Forwarded to Ralph Earle, Director of US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. The Interagency Intelligence Memorandum on the 22 September 1979 explosion, or Vela Incident, concludes that it was a nuclear explosion.

December 5, 1979

Two Hundred and Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Twenty-Third International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference in New Delhi, Regarding the Credentials of the South African Delegate

Record of the 211th Plenary Meeting of the 23rd International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference in New Delhi. The Conference discusses the credentials of the delegate from South Africa, with a number of countries proposing that the delegate should be rejected due to South Africa's continued policy of Apartheid.

November 5, 1979

Information from Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Saraiva Guerreiro to President Figueiredo, 'Nuclear Energy. South Africa'

The Minister of Foreign Relations, Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro, asks for instructions from the President of the Republic, João Baptista Figueiredo, in order to reply to a South African proposal of cooperation in the nuclear field.

October 29, 1979

Cable from Brazilian Embassy in Bonn to Brasilia, 'Nuclear energy. South Africa: Uranium Enrichment'

In October 1979 the scientific attaché of the South African Embassy in Bonn met his Brazilian counterpart in order to propose an exchange of experiences in the nuclear field. The South African diplomat recalled the similarities between the Brazilian and South African enrichment processes and specified that the initiative of a possible cooperation had been taken by the South African Atomic Energy Board and not by the Pretoria Government, because of the cold relations between the two countries. In this cable the Brazilian Ambassador in Western Germany, Jorge Silva, asked for instructions from Minister Saraiva Guerreiro in order to reply to the South Africans.

May 16, 1979

Cable from Brazilian Embassy in Bonn to Brasilia, 'Nuclear Energy. Hamburg Congress: South African Program'

Report of a meeting between an official from the Brazilian Embassy in Bonn and the scientific attaché of the South African Embassy on the occasion of a nuclear congress in Hamburg. The South African official informed the Brazilian diplomat about the advancement of the Pretoria nuclear program with regard to uranium enrichment.

March 13, 1979

Memorandum South African Defence Force, 'Report on Special Visit to Israel - 19 to 23 February 1979'

Report on South African Major General Gleeson's visit to Israel 'in connection with a long range surface-to-surface missile.'

November 17, 1977

Telegram from South African Ambassador to Israel, 'Israeli Reaction to the UN Arms Embargo Against South Africa'

The South African Ambassador to Israel reports on the official response in Israel to the possibility of a UN arms embargo of South afriaca.
