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July 26, 1946

Report of the secret phase of the 8th meeting of the third government

This report details the results of the Czechoslovakian delegation's visit to Moscow. It discusses a possible Czechoslovak-Polish treaty of alliance at the Paris Peace Conference. The author charges the government with rapidly implementing all things necessary to realize the recent agreement reached with the Soviet Union.

September 26, 1946

Speech to Czechoslovak Communist Party members by an unidentified Czechoslovak Communist Party member

This speech was given by a Czechoslovak Communist Party member to his comrades; it outlines the general Czechoslovak stance on border disputes, expelling Hungarians and Germans, domestic policies and workers' wages.

February 13, 1976

Information regarding the meeting of the fraternal intelligence services held in Prague on the 13th and the 14th of February 1976

Summary of main points from the meeting of the fraternal intelligence services held in Prague on the 13th and the 14th of February 1976.

May 17, 1946

Speech by Mátyás Rákosi, General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party at the Meeting of the Central Committee, 17 May 1946

Speech by Mátyás Rákosi, General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party at the Meeting of the Central Committee, 17 May 1946.

August 8, 1968

Attaché Note from Prague on Events in Czechoslovakia from 28 July to 5 August 1968

Memorandum from Chief of General Staff II General Oliwa to Chief of General Staff and Deputy Minister of National Defense, General Chocha. General Oliwa is sending a note from the Military Attaché in Prague assessing the events in Czechoslovakia from 28 July to 5 August 1968. The status of the party and public opinion on the party in Czechoslovakia is highlighted throughout.

August 20, 1968

Report No. 10 from Generals Pavlovsky and Kovalov to Brigadier General Florian Siwicki

General Pavlovsky writes to the Commander of the Polish Second Army, Brigadier General Florian Siwicki. He lists preliminary steps in Operation Danube where the troops enter from Poland into Czechoslovakia.

August 20, 1968

On the Troops’ State of Readiness

Report given out by the Polish Army General Staff regarding the state of Polish combat troops for the intervention in Czechoslovakia. States that the armies are in full readiness and are ready to move toward Czechoslovakia at any time. An overview of the area in Czechoslovakia that they are invading is also given at length.

August 22, 1968

Report on the Polish Second Army, August 22, 1968 at 7:00 AM

Report states that Polish Second Army divisions are in good spirits and believe their mission to intervene in Czechoslovakia is a just cause. Report states that despite the good will of Polish soldiers, they face hostility from the Czech army and citizens alike. Report then states what actions should be undertaken.

August 24, 1968

Report on the Polish Second Army division taking part in Operation Danube

Report states there are no problems with the morale and political state of soldiers and officers of the Second Army, though the soldiers have faced open hostility from Czech citizens. Overall relations between Czech Army and Polish divisions are negative.

August 25, 1968

Report from Political Board of Polish Second Army

Report on the use of propaganda materials and how they have been distributed in Czech cities and villages. It also lists several incidents of hostility expressed by Czech soldiers/citizens towards Warsaw Pact soldiers.
