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July 30, 1975

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Hungarian report on Sino-Korean relations. China is wary of a second Korean War, whereas Kim Il Sung makes it clear that military force is an option. Military technology and equipment were also made available to Kim Il Sung on his foreign relations tour.

August 26, 1975

Memorandum, Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Memorandum from the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, regarding the coordination of the socialist states prior to an IAEA meeting. The Soviet Union intends to make the IAEA safeguard system more effective.

February 16, 1976

Memorandum, Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Korean Officials meet with the Hungarian Foreign Ministry. The North Koreans believe Korea can not be reunited peacefully, and that the DPRK is prepared for a nuclear war.

February 18, 1976

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

A member of the Polish Embassy reports information on DPRK military expenditures, manpower, and desire to construct a nuclear reactor.

April 15, 1976

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Report on Soviet-Korean economic negotiations. The DPRK makes a request for a nuclear power plant, which the Soviet Union declines. The Korean delegation is overly aggressive and crude to the Soviets.

June 25, 1976

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Soviet-Korean relations deteriorate, as Korea falls behind in commercial deliveries and the Soviet Union declines to deliver a nuclear power plant.

August 9, 1976

Memorandum, Branch Office of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Trade in Pyongyang to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Trade

Memorandum from 1976 Intergovernmental Consultative Commission, in which Korea's inability to maintain levels of trade in raw materials has negatively affected Soviet production. North Korea again asks for a nuclear power plant.

August 31, 1976

Memorandum, Hungarian National Commission of Atomic Energy to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The DPRK Delegation to the IAEA expresses concern to the Hungarian Embassy about plans to build a regional reprocessing plant in South Korea and urges it to be moved to the Philippines.

April 2, 1962

Report by the Ambassador of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to Moscow, Richard Dvoràk, to First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and President of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Antonín Novotný

Ambassador of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to Moscow, Richard Dvoràk, reports on his conversation with the Korean Ambassador to Moscow as well as the complicated relations between North Korea, Albania, Vietnam, China, and the Soviet Union.

April 2, 1962

Memorandum of Luncheon Given by Richard Dvořàk, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to Moscow, for Comrade Ri Song-un, Ambassador of the DPRK, on 30 March 1962.

A memorandum of a meeting between Ambassador Dvorak and Ambassador Li Songun,in which Li Songun expresses serious concern about Albania's defection to the capitalist camp and his devotion to the international communist movement.
