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June 12, 1956

Protocol No. 27/56 of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee on 12 June 1956 between 0900 and 1000 hours in the Central House of Unity

GDR decides what aid it will give the North Korea and which credits and technical devices they will offer until 1960.

August 27, 1950

Letter from Filipov [Stalin] to Soviet Ambassador in Prague, conveying message to CSSR leader Klement Gottwald

Stalin lists the reasons for the Soviet withdrawal from and the return to the United Nations Security Council.

August 16, 1972

Information Regarding: New Developments Concerning the Unification of Korea and Relations between the DPRK and South Korea

The Bulgarian Embassy in Pyongyang presents an overview of inter-Korean relations, concluding that progress toward reunification is unlikely given the sharp divergences between North and South Korea.

September 15, 1972

Note on Information Provided by Head of 1st Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry, Comrade Kim Jae-suk, about 1st Main Negotiation of Red Cross Committees from DPRK and South Korea on 12 September 1972

The East Germany Embassy in Pyongyang reviews North Korea's stance on the Red Cross negotiations following the first session.

September 1972

Letter from Kim Il Sung to Nicolae Ceausescu

Kim Il Sung summarizes the achievements towards national reunification through the July 4th Joint Statement and iinforms Ceausescu that he will be unable to visit Romania due to matters concerning internal affairs.

October 12, 1972

On Information Provided by Head of 1st Department of DPRK Foreign Ministry about the Second Main Negotiation of Red Cross Committees From DPRK and South Korea

Kim Jae-suk discusses the objectives of the DPRK in the second round of Red Cross negotiations with South Korea.

October 24, 1972

Note On a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the USSR Embassy, Comrade Kurbatov, on 18 October 1972 in the GDR Embassy

Merten summarizes a conversation with the first Secretary of the USSR Embassy, regarding the DPRK's reaction to the West German visit to China, and North-South relations with an emphasis on Park Chung Hee's motivations to bolster his position in negotiating with the North.

May 3, 1962

Information on the Reunification Policy of the Korean Workers' Party

A memorandum prepared by the First Extra-European Department of the East German Foreign Ministry on revisions within North Korea's reunification policies.

April 2, 1965

Report on the Incident involving the Cuban Ambassador and the Delegation of Physicians from Cuba while in North Korea

A report on an incident involving the Cuban Ambassador and the delegation of physicians from Cuba while in North Korea.

July 18, 1967

Memorandum on a Meeting with a Delegation from the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK on 3 July 1967

A memorandum of conversation between Ri Yeong-ho and Hermann Matern in which two discuss bilateral relations, East Germany's domestic and foreign policy, North Korea's foreign policy, incidents in the Demilitarized Zone, and North Korea's military policy.
