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November 16, 1957

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Comr. Botsin, the Deputy Director of the Economic Office at the Embassy of the USSR

The document features a conversation between Brzezinski Henryk and comrade Botsin regarding the economic situation in the DPRK for the 4th quarter of 1957. Comr. Botsin states that the basic problem of the Korean economy is a shortage of cotton, iron rod, and coking coal. He provides details regarding assistance from the Soviet Union.

November 27, 1957

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Comrade Berentz, 3rd Secretary of the Embassy of the GDR, on 26-27.XI.1957

Brzezinski Henryk and Comrade Berentz describe the aid North Korea has received from East Germany to reconstruct the city of Hamheung as well as the impact of the August 1956 Plenum on that city.

December 2, 1957

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Comrade Botsin, the Deputy Director of the Economic Office at the Embassy of the USSR,

Brzezinski Henryk and Comrade Botsin discuss the North Korean economy, Soviet aid toward North Korea's industrialization, and the training of North Korean cadres and technicians.

December 7, 1957

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Cheng Wenjin, 1st Secretary of the Embassy of the PRC

Brzezinski Henryk and Cheng Wenjin discuss North Korea's Five-Year Plan, China's economic advice offered to the North Koreans, and Chinese aid to and trade with North Korea.

December 9, 1957

A Note from Sluczanski to Several Comrades in Warsaw concerning the "August Group" and the Political Situation in the DPRK

Comrade Sluczanski describes the situation regarding the "August Group" in North Korea, stating that a number of arrests have taken place throughout North Korea.

December 17, 1957

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with Comrade Pimenov, 1st Secretary of the Embassy of the USSR

Brzezinski Henryk and Comrade Pimenov discuss the situation in the Central Committee of the Korean Workers' Party and the ongoing purges of the "August Group."

January 5, 1958

Notes from a Conversation between the 1st Secretary of the PRL Embassy in the DPRK with the Director of a Department in One of the Ministries

Brzezinski Henryk reports on Kim Il Sung's cult of personality and the cadre system inside of North Korea.

August 3, 1953

Protocol No. 22 of a Meeting of the Special Committee Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

This document approves one million rubles in aid to be given to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the recovery of the nation's economy, which was damaged by the war.

January 1968

Polish-Soviet Talks in Lansk

Excerpts related to China from the Polish-Soviet talks of January 1968. Gomulka and Brezhnev agree that the "China issue will be the most difficult one during the consultative meeting in Budapest."

August 10, 1953

Protocol No. 24 of a Meeting of the Special Committee Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

An assignment of tasks pertaining to aid dispersement were given at the meeting--Molotov must write the telegram to Kim Il Sung informing him of one million rubles of aid to be sent; Molotov and Mikoyan were given the task of answering any questions that arose in response to the telegram.
