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June 1, 1964

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Ambassador to North Korea reports on persecution of individuals in North Korea, including intellectuals, former prisoners of war, merchants, and those who came from South Korea and/or Japan.

November 20, 1971

Preliminary Meeting between North and South Korea

North Korean delegate Kim Deok-hyeon and South Korean delegate Jeong Hong-jin discuss family meetings and agree to set up a meeting between higher ranking officials.

June 29, 1964

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Ambassador to North Korea reports on a trade dispute between North Korea and the Soviet Union.

October 1, 1964

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Hungarian diplomats discuss a five-year agreement between North Korea and the Soviet Union for the exchange of lumber.

October 8, 1950

Letter from Feng Xi (Stalin) to Kim Il Sung (via Shtytkov)

Stalin sends Kim a copy of his October 1950 letter to Mao Zedong. Stalin describes the US inability to engage in a "big war" and encourages Kim in his fight against the US.

June 27, 1960

Information Report Sent by Lajos Karsai to Minister of Foreign Affairs Endre Sík, 'Visit of Korean Provisional Chargé d’Affaires Baek Cheongwon'

Lajos Karsai reports on the character of protests in South Korea, labeling the protest movement as generally anti-Syngman Rhee.

July 2, 1960

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Károly Práth reports on North Korea's Seven-Year Plan, the difference in ideological views between the Chinese and Soviets, and Korea's relations with those two countries.

July 21, 1960

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Hungarian Ambassador Károly Práth analyzes progress related to North Korea's "communist universities" and the training of cadres specifically for Korean reunification.

August 1, 1960

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

Hungarian Ambassador Károly Práth emphasizes the difficulties experienced by repatriated Koreans from Japan.

August 30, 1960

Information Report Sent by Frigyes Puja to Minister of Foreign Affairs Endre Sík, 'Visit of Korean Ambassador Ri Dong-geun'

Note from Frigyes Puja to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding requests from the North Koreans for the UN session. They requested a resolution for the withdrawal of American troops, dissolution of the KDC, and admission of North Korea to the UN.
