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June 23, 1951

Telegram from Sokolovsky and Shtemenko to Stalin

On the meeting between Shtemenko and Xu Xiang-Qian. Xu Xiang-Qian reiterated Mao's request that the Soviets supply 60 divisions with weapons, and that Mao agrees with the proposed organizational plan of the infantry divisions.

June 15, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 20847, Krasovsky to Filippov [Stalin]

Reports what air force divisions are ready, what need retraining, and why some processes are progressing slowly.

February 24, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Roshchin to the Ministry of Finance

Reporting that the value of the ruble was decreasing in terms of the American dollar and the Chinese yuan because the exchange rate of the ruble in yuan is calculated through the American dollar; the value of gold on the black market; and that an agreement should be established between the People's Bank of China and the National Bank of the USSR on the settlement of the non-trade transactions between the ruble and the yuan in line with the price of gold, independent of the US dollar.

January 19, 1951

Telegram from Vasilevsky and Menshikov to Stalin

A response to Mao's questions about the third article of the draft agreement on military credit, the date of the requested deliveries in February and May, and requests to expedite delivery of the remaining 12,000 cars.

December 2, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Poland, 'Opinions on the Ninth Congress of the Polish Party'

The Chinese Embassy in Poland reports that "Gomułka will absolutely continue to follow Khrushchev in opposing China and Albania."

October 12, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation from the Meeting between Vice Premier Li Xiannian and the Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile

Li Xiannian and Reis Malile discuss Albania's position within the socialist bloc and Sino-Albanian trade relations.

October 17, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Poland, 'Polish Celebration of Our National Day, the Polish Communist Party’s Attitude toward China, and Our Views'

The Chinese Embassy in Poland concludes that "Poland consciously wishes to improve Chinese-Polish relations."

October 14, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation from the Meeting between Vice Premier Chen Yi and the Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile

Chen Yi and Reis Malile discuss Sino-Albanian trade and Syria's secession from the United Arab Republic.

November 25, 1963

US State Department Translation, Cipher Telegrams No. 2000-2004, Anastas Mikoyan reports to CC CPSU after funeral of President Kennedy.

Pair of cipher telegrams from Anastas Mikoyan to Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He is summarizing his meetings with State Department officials regarding Soviet newspaper reports of the Kennedy assassination. He also discusses U.S. government officials' and Jackie Kennedy's deep appreciation for the Soviet government's decision to send representatives to Kennedy's funeral.

January 5, 1951

Telegram Relaying Kim Il Sung's Letters to the Soviet Ambassador to Poskrebyshev

These letters are about the state of pilots, the preparation of the summer aviation training, sending Korean reserves to China, naval schools, the delivery of special communication, a broadcasting station, and Soviet instructors.
