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July 13, 1971

Memorandum, Deputy Chairman of the State Security Committee V Chebrikov

Chebrikov reports on a proposal to transport a group of passengers from Hanoi to Paris, including American prisoners of war.

November 9, 1990

Record of a Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn

Kohl expresses concerns about Gorbachev's control over the situation in the Soviet Union and offers his support. The two then discuss the recent invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

December 25, 1959

Record of Conversation from Vice Premier Chen Yi's Reception of the Envoys of Fraternal Countries to China

Chen Yi briefs diplomats from the Soviet Union and elsewhere in Eastern Europe on the overseas Chinese crisis in Indonesia.

November 8, 1990

Record of a Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and the US Secretary of State, J. Baker in Moscow

Baker and Gorbachev discuss public opinion of the recent improvement in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, as well as Saddam Hussein's recent invasion of Kuwait.

February 7, 1989

Record from Protocol No. 147 of the Meeting of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, Supplying Arms to Angola

In response to requests from the President of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, the CC CPSU agrees to supply arms which will be sent from the Soviet Union to the Republic of Cuba, and then provided during the withdrawal of Cuban troops from the People’s Republic of Angola.

June 20, 1990

From the Diary of Yu.V. Petrov: Report on a Conversation with Fidel Castro

Castro discusses ways to strengthen relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union, as well as the possible normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States. They also discuss the situation in El Salvador and Nicaragua.

March 11, 1963

Secret Telegram from Maneli (Hanoi) to Spasowski-Morski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 3175]

Cable from Polish Ambassador in Hanoi Maneli to Warsaw, describing a conversation he had with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and Soviet Ambassador Tovmassian. They discuss the idea of neutralization in Vietnam, and the possibility of the United States pulling forces out. Tovmassian adds that the PRC pressured the DRV to start incidents in the demilitarized zone.

February 15, 1963

Secret Telegram from Rapacki (Warsaw) to Jaszczuk (Moscow)

Cable from Adam Rapacki to Boleslaw Jaszczuk in Moscow describing to him a conversation between Polish and the North Vietnamese officials in Warsaw.

February 13, 1963

Secret Telegram from Jaszczuk (Moscow) to Rapacki (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 2019]

Memorandum of a conversation with Yuri Andropov. He and Boleslaw Jaszczuk discuss Chinese influence military and economic influence in Vietnam, as well as Vietnam's opinion on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Finally he notes the poor communications technology in place in Southeast Asia.

February 13, 1963

Secret Telegram from Jaszczuk (Moscow) to Rapacki (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 2004]

Cable sent from a Polish representative in Moscow to Adam Rapacki in Warsaw about a meeting with Andrei Gromyko. He believes that the United States wishes to remove itself from the situation in Vietnam and concludes that a way to end the issue is getting closer.
