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June 4, 1975

Notes on Meeting between Israeli and South African Ministers of Defense Shimon Peres and P.W. Botha in Zurich

Summary of meeting between Israeli Minister Shimon Peres and South African Minister P. W. Botha in Zurich. They discuss stalled negotiations between South Africa and Israel for a project to produce lightweight fighters and other military equipment.

March 31, 1975

Minutes of Second Israel-South Africa (ISSA) Meeting

Meeting minutes of Israel-South Africa (ISSA) meeting which discuss the nomination of Lt. Gen. H. de V. du Toit as security official of South Africa.

September 13, 1972

South Africa Department of Foreign Affairs, Letter from South African Consul General in Tel Aviv C.B.H. Fincham to on the Opening of Israeli Diiplomatic Missions in Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho

The Consul General of the South African Embassy in Tel Aviv describes a conversation with Lt. Col. Pinchas Gonen regarding the opening of Israeli diplomatic missions in Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho. Gonen described the job training and military-to-civilian transition programs Israel had assisted in creating in several African countries. They discuss Israeli foreign policy in Africa in general.

January 28, 1970

Memorandum from South African Department of Foreign Affairs Regarding Mirage Aircraft

The South African Ambassador in Cologne sends information on a meeting with a representative of the Dornier Aircraft Company regarding the possible purchase by South Africa of Mirage aircraft and their re-export to Israel.

February 1, 1965

Draft Agreement Between South Africa and Israel on the Application of Safeguards to the Sale of Uranium

Contract between the governments of Israel and South Africa with terms outlining the safeguards that would be used for the sale of South African uranium to Israel. The safeguards intended to ensure that the material would be used for peaceful purposes only and none would be used "for atomic weapons or for research on or devleopment of atomic weapons or for any other military pruposes."

February 1, 1965

Request from Department of the Prime Minister for Presidential Approval for a Bilateral Agreement on the Sale of South African Uranium to Israel

November 13, 1962

Memorandum from South African Department of Foreign Affairs to Embassies in London, Washington, Ottawa, Canberra and Vienna on the Sale of Uranium to Israel

Memorandum informing various embassies of the status of South Africa's sale of uranium to Israel, including the terms and safeguards which specified that the uranium should be "used for peaceful purposes only."

July 21, 1960

Letter from South African Department for Foreign Affairs Official M.I. Botha on Sale of Uranium to Israel (excerpt)

July 20, 1960

Letter from South African Ambassador A.G. Dunn to South African Department for Foreign Affairs Official M.I. Botha on the Sale of Uranium to Israel

South African Ambassador to the United States A.G. Dunn states that the United States would not approve of South Africa selling uranium to Israel even if the contract specified that they would obey IAEA safeguards once they were implemented worldwide.

July 19, 1960

Confidential Telegram from South African Ambassador in Vienna D.B. Sole to South African Department of Foreign Affairs Official M.I. Botha on sale of Uranium to Israel.

The South African Ambassador in Vienna Donald B. Sole responds to a message concerning the Israeli interest in purchasing uranium from South Africa. He does not think that the Israeli Minister's statement that Israeli would obey IAEA safeguards "should be taken seriously" and thus he does not believe it would be in South Africa's best interest to complete the sale.
