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February 19, 1958

Note from Department III Director Jeleń

The Polish Embassy in Washington reports on the negative American opinion of the Rapacki Plan, as well as calls for free elections in eastern Europe.

February 14, 1958

Letter, A. Rapacki to Mr. Jacob D. Beam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America in Warsaw

Adam Rapacki, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, discusses the Polish Plan and the Soviet proposal for a meeting of various heads of state.

January 25, 1958

Unsigned File Note

Michałowski explains reasoning behind negative the attitude of the U.S. State Department towards the Rapacki Plan after speaking with other foreign representatives.


KGB, Information Nr. 2742 [to Bulgarian State Security]

The Soviet KGB seeks Bulgaria's support with "active measures" relating to the origins of the AIDS virus as well as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

September 3, 1986

Division X of the Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA/X) of the Ministry of State Security (MfS), 'Plan for Common and Coordinated Active MEasures of the Intelligence Organs of the MOI of the PR Bulgaria and the MfS of the GDR for 1987 and 1988'

HVA/X of the East German Ministry of State Security seeks cooperation with the Bulgarian Internal Affairs and State Security ministries to "prove that AIDS originated in the USA."

September 7, 1985

KGB, Information Nr. 2955 [to Bulgarian State Security]

The Soviet KGB seeks to create a "favorable opinion for us abroad" through active measures connected with the appearance of AIDS in the United States. The KGB also claims that the US Department of Defense is behind the "rapid spread of the AIDS disease"

November 15, 1945

TASS Report Distributed to Cdes. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, A.I. Mikoyan, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkov, and A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'Byrnes' Statement at a Press Conference'

TASS reports on a press conference given by United States Secretary of State James Byrnes at which he spoke about conflicts between the Soviet Union and the United States over the control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan in addition to other foreign policy issues.

January 15, 1958

Correspondence Extract No. 549 from Washington to Comrade Rapacki

The Polish ambassador discusses American opinions on the Rapacki Plan, including both the interest and negative responses it has received.

January 10, 1958

Code Message No. 269 from Korolcyzk to Gede (Moscow), Willmann (Budapest), Mazur (Prague), and Zambrowics (Bucharest)

The Polish Foreign Ministry informs its diplomats in Moscow, Budapest, Prague, and Bucharest about the French Prime Minister's interview criticizing the Rapacki Plan.

January 10, 1957

Memorandum from the CIA Librarian to the Chief of the International Organizations Division, 'Personal Comments on RFE Broadcasting to Hungary, 24 October-4 November 1956' [Approved for Release, March 2007]

A CIA official reviews Hungarian RFE broadcasts.
