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November 13, 1986

Politburo on Afghanistan

The Politburo discuss the need for Soviet troops to withdraw from Afghanistan, the best way to do that, and set up a time table to withdraw troops.

March 24, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Notes from a meeting of the Politburo regarding Nina Andreeva, a Soviet scientist and political activist who accused Gorbachev of not being true communists and abandoning the Soviet system in her essay " I Cannot Forsake My Principles."

March 11, 1985

Minutes of a CC CPSU Politburo Session Nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary

CC CPSU Politburo Session nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary after the death of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. Many members of the politburo spoke in favor of Gorbachev for General Secretary. They make a unanimous recommendation to the Plenum of CC CPSU.

January 22, 1987

Notes from Politburo Meeting, 21-22 January 1987 (Excerpt)

Gorbachev and his advisors discuss new Afghan president Mohammad Najibullah and the possible drawdown of Soviet troops.

October 22, 1986

Meeting Minutes of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, Regarding the Aftermath of the Reykjavik US-Soviet summit

The Politburo discusses what to do after the failure of the Reykjavik summit over Reagan's insistence on preserving the right to continue the SDI or "Star Wars" project, as well as the subsequent expulsion of Soviet diplomats from the US. In the angry, bitter meeting Gorbachev decides on the removal of 250 Soviets working in service positions at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

November 13, 1986

CPSU CC Politburo Meeting Minutes (excerpt)

CPSU CC Politburo transcript regarding attempts to find a solution to the Afghan war and bring resolution to the conflict.