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June 29, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation, Albanian Labor Party Delegation with Mao Zedong

The delegation from the Albanian Labour Party meets with Chairman Mao Zedong, where both parties express disapproval toward Krushchev's policies of De-Stalinization. The Albanian delegates reaffirm their belief in the general Communist party of the USSR, despite Krushchev's actions.

July 27, 1961

Information on the Meeting with Comrade Chen Yi

Chen Yi, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and a member of the CCP CC Politburo, met with the Albanian Ambassador to PRC Reis Malile about the relations between Soviet Union and other socialist countries, particularly China and Albania. They also talked about the Geneva Conference on Laos, the Soviet-US negotiation on the Laos issue, the Soviet economic assistance, and Chinese internal situations.

August 21, 1961

Information on the Meeting with Comrade Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai and Reis Malile talked about the visit by Ho Chi Minh to Moscow. Zhou Enlai inform Reis Malile the conversation and opinions he and Liu Shaoqi had with Ho Chi Mind regarding the relations between Soviet Union, Albania, and Vietnam.

June 27, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between First Vice Premier Hysni Kapo and Albanian Labor Party Politburo Member Ramiz Alia with PRC Premier Zhou Enlai

July 21, 1961

Information Memorandum, Meeting between Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile and Comrade Dong Biwu

Albanian Ambassador to China Reis Malile and Dong Biwu, a member of the CCP CC Politburo, talked about the economic condition in Albania, the issue of the removal of the Soviet military naval base from Vlora, and the concept of peaceful coexistence in Marxist-Leninism.