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1381 - 1390 of 1952


August 8, 1949

Jordan Opposition in Lebanon

Report on the movements of a member of the Jordanian opposition, the Jordanian opposition's use of the Park Hotel as a base of operations.

August 8, 1949

Jordanian Activities against Syria

The Journalist Informer recieves information that a Jordanian agent has received instructions to blackmail a former Jordanian/current Syrian agent.

August 8, 1949

Jordanian Activities against Syria

The Jordanian Legation meets with the former Syrian minister to prepare propaganda against Ḥusnī al-Za'īm.

August 5, 1949

Letter to Patriarch Mubarak from the Jews

The Journalist informer reports on the delivery of a letter from a lawyer in Haifa to Patriarch Mubarak.

August 5, 1949

King Abdallah and Aleppo

Short document on the Lebanese public opinion of King Abdullah's statements regarding Aleppo.

August 5, 1949

Jewish Activities in Lebanon

Report on the movements of a Jewish agent while in Beirut.

August 5, 1949

Iraqi Activities in Lebanon

Report on continued communication between Iraqi youth and members of the Iraqi National Call Party; a meeting between a member of the Iraqi National Democratic Party and the president of the Iraqi Communist Party, both of whom also met with a Russian official.

October 27, 1953

Activities of the Parti Populaire

Report on the PPS's interest in an increase in membership of certain branches of the Party.

June 19, 1953

Tapping al Mahairi’s Telephone

Transcript between al-Mahairi and a journalist about the activities of [unclear] and methods of payment.

July 1, 1950

Parti Populaire Activities in Aleppo

Report on attempts by the head of the PPS in Aleppo to recruit workers, peasants and farmers in Aleppo and Northern Syria, PPS activities in centers of education, public opinion on the PPS in Aleppo, PPS expansion into other cities in Northern Syria.
