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1491 - 1500 of 1952


July 17, 1952

Activities of Israeli Communists

Document regarding the activities of Israeli communists supported by the Israeli government in Arab countries.

July 16, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing Western attempts to [gather information] on joint defense in the Middle East, pacifist activities in Syria.

July 15, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing an Islamic conference on Muslims living in the USSR, a meeting of communists, Lebanese-Soviet relations, and Lebanese-Israeli relations.

July 15, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing attempts by Pisrenko to gather information on Lebanese/Syrian cooperation on a joint defense project, information on the cessation of a communist newspaper's publication.

July 14, 1952

Communist Activities

Document discussing a visit by the Armenian Patriarchate, Armenian leftist parties in Syria and Lebanon, Jewish involvement in Communist activities in Beirut.

February 13, 1951

Communism and Islamic Propaganda

Document discussing Soviet attempts to become closer to Muslims in Arab and other predominantly Muslim countries.


The Lebanese Communist Party and the License

Document on Kamāl Junblāṭ [Kamal Jumblat] granting the Communists permission to operate publicly.

July 15, 1949

Rāshīd A'ālī al-Kīlānī [Rachid Ali al Kilani]

Report on Rashid al-Kilani's secret visit to Syria to call to reinforce the movement against the Iraqi government, a visit by Jordanian agents to the Journalist Informer.

July 14, 1949

German Officer in Lebanon

Report on a German pilot in the Syrian army, his visit to Beirut and Russian interest in Germans working for the Syrian Army.

July 14, 1949

Jordanian-Syrian Intelligence Services

Report on an agent who works for both the Syrian and Jordanian intelligence services.
