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1581 - 1590 of 1952


June 8, 1949

Zionist Activities in Lebanon

A report on the movements of Murad Hayim Dana, an Israeli agent, in Beirut.

June 8, 1949

Jordanian Activities in Lebanon

A report on Jordanian activities in Beirut, efforts by Glubb Pacha to gather information on the regime of Ḥusnī Za’īm.

May 24, 1949

Jordanian Activities in Lebanon

A report on the authorization of Jordanian Army Day and the manufacture of bronze statues in honor of the holiday.

June 8, 1949

Zionist Activities in Lebanon

A followup report on Jack Franco's spy network in Lebanon.

June 2, 1949

Syrian Activities in Lebanon

Information on Syrian surveillance of engineer Carlos Daranda and his wife Gizelle Kfoury who serves as a liason between a Lebanese political organization and the French Legation.

May 28, 1949

Communist Moves against Ḥusnī al-Za'īm (Husni al Za'eem)

The Journalist Informer reports that Lebanese Communists in Haifa have begun to coordinate with Khālid Bakdāsh and his allies in Haifa in order to discuss taking shared actions against Ḥusnī al-Za'īm and his government.

May 27, 1949

Syrian Activities in Lebanon

Information on the movements of Syrian agents in Lebanon; including the intelligence agent in charge of Lebanese issues and the agent directly under Mamdūḥ Mayḍānīi.

May 27, 1949

Jordanian Activities in Lebanon

A report on a Jordanian agent who had recently returned to Lebanon. The agent contacted several Syrian men involved in the Syrian opposition or who are in the service of the Jordanian government.

May 26, 1949

Activities of the Lebanese Communist Party

The Journalist Informer catalogues the ways in which the Lebanese Communist Party has developed, including increased cooperation with other communist parties in the region, stronger labor unions and better public relations.

May 24, 1949

Emile Edde's Meetings

A report on Emile Edde's meetings on May 23rd, 1949.
