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1391 - 1400 of 2018


August 10, 1949

Arrest of Jewish Smugglers

Report on the arrest of a number of smugglers of Jewish people and gold to Palestine.

August 9, 1949

Emile Edde and the Opposition

Report on meetings between the National Freedom Bloc and the opposition on August 7th and 8th, 1949.

August 9, 1949

Attack Against the Jews in Damascus

Report on an attack against Jewish people in Damascus by Palestinian terrorists, a request for help from the Syrian Jews to the American Legation in Beirut.

August 8, 1949

The Communists and the 'Telegraph' Newspaper

Report on a communist declaration published in the newspaper 'the Telegraph.'

August 8, 1949

A Piece of Land for King Abdallah

Report on a gift of a piece of land given by Michel al-Zaghzaghi to King Abdullah.

August 8, 1949

Suspension of a French-Syrian Newspaper

Report on the effects of the suspension of a Syrian newspaper in Lebanon.

August 8, 1949

Czech Diplomat

Report on the movements of a Czech diplomat, information from the Czech legation in Beirut that confirms that he is attempting to defect.

August 8, 1949

Kurdish Newspaper

Short report on the publication and distribution of an Iraqi Kurdish newspaper.

August 8, 1949

Jordan Opposition in Lebanon

Report on the movements of a member of the Jordanian opposition, the Jordanian opposition's use of the Park Hotel as a base of operations.

August 8, 1949

Jordanian Activities against Syria

The Journalist Informer recieves information that a Jordanian agent has received instructions to blackmail a former Jordanian/current Syrian agent.
