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1471 - 1480 of 2018


July 18, 1949

An Escapee Yugoslav Diplomat

Report from Ankara regarding the defection of the second secretary of the Yugoslav legation.

July 16, 1949

Kurdish Activities

Report on a meeting of Iraqi Kurds in Beirut to discuss the Kurdish movement in Azerbaijan.

July 16, 1949

Rāshīd 'Aālī al-Kīlānī [Rachid Ali al Kilani]

Report on Rāshīd 'Aālī al-Kīlānī's recent activities as a double agent.

July 15, 1949

The Kurds’ Activities

Report on the activities of the Kurds who are cooperating with the Russians and a Kurdish Conference held in the Jazeera region in early July.

February 3, 1949

Telegram from Husni al Za’eem

Short telegram from Ḥusnī al-Za'īm thanking Farid Chehab.

October 28, 1948

Permission to Travel to Cairo

Visa for Farid Chehab to travel to Egypt.

October 23, 1948

Recommendation from Naẓīrah Junblāṭ (Nathira Jumblatt)

Naẓīrah Junblāṭ writes a letter of recommendation for an acquaintance to Farid Chehab.

September 26, 1948

Security Agreement between Lebanon and Syria

[Probable draft] of a joint security agreement between the Lebanese Sûreté Générale and the Syrian Sûreté Générale with sections on Jewish people, foreigners, artists, refugees, Palestinians, Communists, political and diplomatic personalities and Lebanese and Syrian nationals.

September 20, 1948

Congratulating Syria

Letter from the Syrian director of police & security congratulating Chehab on his appointment.

July 31, 1948

Lauding the Governor’s Efforts

Letter transferring Chehab from the post of governor of Biqā' to the post of Director of the Sûreté Générale and thanking him for his work as governor.
