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1671 - 1680 of 2018



A British Plan against Saudi Arabia

Report from Basra of a British plan regarding the Hijaz and Jordanian and Palestinian territories.


The Suspension of the Baghdad Pact and the Iraqi-Egyptian Rapprochement

Report on the British Foreign Secretary's visit to the Middle East and the suspension of the Baghdad Pact.


The Secret Agreement between the Revolutionary Government in Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood

Report on the Egyptian government's secret reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.


Between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Government of Egypt

Description of the race between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Revolutionary Government in Egypt to establish an Islamic State.


The Muslim Brotherhood

Account of the Muslim Brotherhood's division in Syria and tension with communists and the Syrian government.


Hizb al-Tahreer [Ḥizb al-Taḥrīr] and Rumors Surrounding It

Account of Hizb al-Tahrir's growing presence in Jordan and al-Nabahani's confiscation by Lebanese authorities.


Kurdish Activities in al Jazeera

Description of Kurdish armament against Turkey in pursuit of a Kurdish Republic and communication with the Soviet Union.


The Secret Armenian Army

Report on the Armenian Secret Army's locations across the Middle East, Europe, and other parts of the globe.

April 2, 1956

France's Policy in the Middle East

French influence could be useful for the Arab cause, especially against Jews, based on its record of aid and nonintervention.

September 1, 1957

Repercussions from America's Position regarding Syria and the Arab countries

America sends warships into Syrian territorial waters, and regional powers calibrate their postures.
