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March 30, 1951

Communist Activity in Aleppo and Northern Syria

Communist organizations work to form "Peace Supporters" groups and conduct propaganda campaigns against American involvement in the region.

June 7, 1971

Study by the Bureau of the Science and Economics Institute at the Science Academy in the Soviet Union

A Soviet report on British and American involvement in the Arab Gulf under the guise of capital investments and prospects for the Dhofar revolution.


Untitled report on an Arab Communist summit in Lebanon

Lists of communist parties at a summit in Lebanon and of their topics of discussion.

August 8, 1949

Untitled report on a meeting of Communist parties

A meeting of Communist Parties endorses future activities and plans to counter Turkish, Syrian, and other regional anti-communist plans.

August 3, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet interests in the Middle East

The Russian Commission is showing interest in the Middle East, especially in Turkish-Syrian collaboration and American and British support for a Turkish fight against communism.

April 23, 1949

Untitled report on Turkey

Reports of Soviet spying on Turkish and United States military activity in Iskenderun, Turkey.

April 23, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet activities in Cyprus

Information about Soviet spying in Cyprus as well as an Armenian Patriarch from Egypt who may come to Beirut.


Meeting between Saddam Hussein and Top Political Advisors Concerning Diplomacy with the United States and Russia


Saddam Hussein and His Inner Circle Discussing the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and the United States

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam Hussein and high ranking Iraqi officials regarding the Iran-Iraq war. They discuss the cease-fire negotiations, the UN Security Council, military and diplomatic issues, and Soviet and US Policy in the region.

November 1979

Saddam and His Inner Circle Discussing Relations with Various Arab States, Russia, China, and the United States

Transcript of a meeting between President Saddam Hussein amd Iraqi officials, taking place sometime between 4-20 November 1979. Saddam discusses relations with Europe, Russia, China, the Gulf countries, and the United States. Iraqi officials criticize Libya and Syria for their support to Iran. Another official criticizes the Egyptian President Anwar Al-Sadat for his attitudes in making peace agreement with Israel. Saddam accuses the Americans of playing a central role in overthrowing the Shah of Iran.
